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Beet Pulp Pellets vs. Shreds

I don’t rinse prior to feeding.

Speedi Beet is more expensive primarily because it is made in and shipped over from England. It is non-GMO for those that look for it, unlike pretty much every bit of US sourced beet pulp. Plus the micronizing process is a little more involved than just running the pulp through a shredder or pellet die.

Our primary vendor for it had been out since late February, and only sent us five bags when we ordered twenty, so I’m going with supply sourcing issues for not being able to find it easily right now.

I have never been able to buy Speedi Beet in my area. I did have some samples once and really liked it. It soaks up faster than regular beet pulp and it was also a good bit more clean. I would buy it and use it if I could get my hands on it. I much preferred it.

Just a note.I used to cook my flax, and then was told that cooking or soaking robs it of Omega 3’s
No if the feed is still wet ( soaked overnight) I put the flax in little containers to be dumped in the morning. Why do we make this so difficult :disappointed:

Pellets because it is easier to scoop. Does take longer to soak but I ride while they are soaking .

Cooking above a certain temp/for long enough does destroy the Omega 3

Soaking doesn’t, but longer soaking (hours, not minutes) does release cyanide. That said, the amount of cyanide in a typical serving of flax is pretty insignificant

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If I add ground flax to breakfast made at night, grain is wet with beet pulp and hay cubes, will it’s diminish the omega 3’s. The cyanide is negligible. Thanks!

ground flax soaking that long will be really slimy, but the O3 would be ok, possibly diminished a little (I’m not positive on that)