Being nickeled and dimed at boarding barn

Some of them should have a 8’ grab rope on their halters. :crazy_face:


This is the first I’m hearing about PC encouraging unsafe behavior, but for some context for people who are not familiar with Pony Club or rallies:

These are children dropped off with their ponies with zero parental supervision. While they have ‘adult supervision’ in the sense there are always adults on the premises in case of a true bonafide emergency, these children are expected to be entirely self-sufficient and stewards of their ponies.

No, they cannot go to mom or dad and ask for help on any of the chores, knowledge, care, quizzes, or tests. These ponies are often in temporary stalls and/or stalls in strange venues. The halters are required to be on for quick identification and for quick capture in the eventual case of a forgetful child inevitably not closing a door all the way, leaving the aisle open, etc. Every halter must be breakaway leather. The scenario of a loose horse is not a “what if” with children and anyone who has been a steward of small ones can attest it is an eventuality even in best circumstances. I have caught several loose ponies over the years and have always been grateful for that halter to grab. It is so much harder when they are unhaltered and having a good time - they don’t want you to stop them.

That is, IMHO, the safest thing for all parties all things considered. There is nothing more dangerous than a loose, unidentified horse galloping around barn aisles where young children are involved. I have been involved in PC for years both as a member and then later as a volunteer, HMJ, and sometimes ‘turnback’ judge as the need has arisen.


This rule applies to the adults too. Everyone at pony club.

I get your point, and though I do not necessarily disagree with your point I still hate the halter 100% of the time rule at rallies.

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Agree to disagree on Pony Club and the safety/wisdom of many of its teachings, including this specific rule.

I’m sure the OP would like this thread to get back on track at some point…

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I hate halters in stalls too. But I understand it is a necessary evil in certain circumstances. If I had to do it I’d always make sure it’s a cheap leather breakaway halters… apparently they break if my horses even sneeze in their direction.

Some vet clinics I’ve been to even require them too, with ID tags for their patients.

It was @jvanrens mention of what is common practice on the back side of race tracks.

and your response here;

No biggie. :slightly_smiling_face: Perhaps I’ve missed something, wouldn’t be the first time.

Didn’t the OP say they are moving on from their current barn? I hope you find a better situation @TomSquad.

Pony club rallies start with some chaperone screaming “loose horse” at least 3x before the jog. Especially when your rally is in a field.

I mean, when you get a new horse in and you dont know their fence testing skills you leave the halter on the first night right?

Anyways, this is simple.
Pay the 30 day money, stay or go early, and say no extra services!

If its awkward, just leave early :upside_down_face:
But pay the money to stay on good terms.