Best carpet cleaning solution and/or appliance for major pet household?

Ever the rebel, I got one that I didn’t have any prior knowledge or recommendations on and I love it! I got the Hoover Dual Power Max for $158 at Walmart-ran home and cleaned the living room carpet and it did a great job. It picked up nearly all the water that it put down and it completely cleaned every stain and pee puddle that was on the carpet. I didn’t get my new cleaning solution yet so I just used what came with it and I’m very happy with it. I chose it b/c the tanks were super easy to deal with, I fiddled with the Bissell and it was just a bit of a hassle compared to this one so I took a chance. It needs to be easy so that the rest of the family will grab it and use it as needed and it’s just as easy as our vacuum, which is also a Hoover and works well.

So that’s the update! Kids are cleaning the floors in their rooms and I’m enjoying the freshly cleaned living room carpet. :yes:

SpotBot has an attachment that does a nice job on messes that extend beyond the “circle” and avoids the clean circle/dirtier surrounding carpet. Love my SpotBot. Does work better with the OxyBoost, worth the extra cash, and HOT water.

Might have to rethink my love of the spot bot! The circles are looking pretty nasty after they dry. Maybe I should dilute the solution more than it calls for?[/QUOTE]

I’ve never had my spots look “nasty” after they dry. In fact, I have a friend who used one in a house with older carpet, and the spots she had cleaned always looked BETTER than the rest of the carpet! Maybe double check your solution measurements, or try a different product? I used the stuff that came with it for awhile, but the smell was too strong for me so I switched to a more natural product. I forget which it is, but a drop of the Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds does a nice job as well.

I just bought the spot bot. I will let you know what I think, thanks for he recommendation. Unfortunately it is likely to get a workout. I just hired a pro to come clean it well so hopefully this will help me keep it that way without lugging out the big cleaner.[/QUOTE]

I will not be without a spot bot in my house. It’s gotten me through 2 old / incontent dogs, and 2 puppies. I use white vingar, water and a dribble of dawn in a spray bottle to treat the stains.

And yes, you do get the very clean ‘crop circles’ in your carpet if it’s really dirty. So get those carpets clean to start with, then spot treat with the spot bot in between cleanings.

I would think most people could get by without the bot but with a house filled with dogs it is very handy. A little tip if you do get a bot however. Go to Bed Bath And Beyond. It is marked $149 in the store but $129 online. I told them about the online price which they confirmed and gave me a 20% off coupon instead of adjusting the price. It came to $120![/QUOTE]

They will also take expired coupons - so save them when you get them in the mail.

My sister told me she got crop circles on her older carpet as well with the Spot Bot!

For spots and stains I use a product called FOLEX. I have white carpet. I was once dog sitting and the guest dog and my dog got into a fight when I wasn’t home. My bedroom resembled something out of an ax murderer movie- there was blood all over the carpet, walls, chairs and bed. The bedroom might not pass the police Luminol test, but to the naked eye, you would never know. On the bottle it says it can be used in some carpet cleaning machines. I have also used it in the washing machine when washing dog linens.

spotbot is pretty good as people say or here

I use this. Has no smell, environmentally safe, doesn’t make me cough like some cleaners, best of all it does a great job of taking the smell out of pee spots and getting them clean. You can buy the tablets and mix it yourself in a spray bottle.

Hi, there are many cleaning solutions available easily in market.

You don’t say. Which do you prefer Mr. Bot?

I have that same experience, too. You’d have to pry the thing out of a friend’s cold, dead hands. But for me with my carpeting, I get circles. Lesson learned and I try to scrub and blend the circle with the rest of the carpet before it dries. I don’t know how you could test this before you buy the SpotBot. It sounds like some carpeting gets the circles and some doesn’t.

Rug Doctor works great and you don’t have to store the thing. I think we used Resolve, or something similar in name.

Nature’s miracle works for normal pee spots, etc.

Argosheen is the best carpet cleaner for normal cleaning - available at specialty carpet stores.

For carpets, there are still good options, although personally, my opinion is that it is much better to use a powerful vacuum cleaner that is capable of carpet vacuuming and wood flooring.
