Ever the rebel, I got one that I didn’t have any prior knowledge or recommendations on and I love it! I got the Hoover Dual Power Max for $158 at Walmart-ran home and cleaned the living room carpet and it did a great job. It picked up nearly all the water that it put down and it completely cleaned every stain and pee puddle that was on the carpet. I didn’t get my new cleaning solution yet so I just used what came with it and I’m very happy with it. I chose it b/c the tanks were super easy to deal with, I fiddled with the Bissell and it was just a bit of a hassle compared to this one so I took a chance. It needs to be easy so that the rest of the family will grab it and use it as needed and it’s just as easy as our vacuum, which is also a Hoover and works well.
So that’s the update! Kids are cleaning the floors in their rooms and I’m enjoying the freshly cleaned living room carpet. :yes: