Best KT tape? (chondromalacia)

beaujolais, you using the KT tape currently and you think it’s working? If so, I’d stick with it. I’m big into not rocking the boat if something is doing the trick.

Sometimes it isn’t the “holding something in place” as much as activating the neural system by just having that tape there to give the neutral system feedback.

Am I a med professional? No. So above is my personal anecdotal opinion and worth every penny paid :slight_smile:

You are absolutely right, WMW. I was more asking as I’m someone who just likes to know about things. :wink:

I’m still just starting to more fully comprehend how KT tape works. I found this explanation, from the Rock Tape company before, which goes along with what you said:

"RockTape microscopically lifts the skin away from the muscle and fascia below to decompress the area, reducing swelling and inflammation, and aids in speeding recovery.

Turn Down the Volume on Pain
RockTape stimulates the nerve endings and receptors in the skin to alter the signals of pain that are sent to the brain, to ‘turn down the volume on pain’ and delay fatigue."

Seems the tape gives the nerves in the area some other input, besides pain to think about. I guess this is along the lines of rubbing an elbow after you hit it.

I also went to a runner’s store the other day to check out sneakers that might help. (Note: I’m surely not a runner, never have been, nor ever would be, too hard on the body - high impact.). These people sure know feet and sneakers, though. The fellow said I pronate slightly, may be the reason the knees are acting up and stability sneakers would help. I tried on a pair that felt really correct and comfortable for my feet, so I got them (Brooks).

Thanks for the help and listening. I"m feeling pretty worn out from fighting these battles, sigh.

Turn Down the Volume on Pain
RockTape stimulates the nerve endings and receptors in the skin to alter the signals of pain that are sent to the brain, to ‘turn down the volume on pain’ and delay fatigue."

Seems the tape gives the nerves in the area some other input, besides pain to think about. I guess this is along the lines of rubbing an elbow after you hit it.[/QUOTE]

This is a variation of what I’d gotten the impression where my impression wasn’t limited to ‘pain’ as much as providing input to a muscle or area of nerves.

Was working with a personal trainer last week and he was “poking” (not hard) my left flexor to get it to activate. The poke gives the nervous system enough input that can get the muscles to active. I think kinesio tape does the same type of thing.

A shoe store for runners is the best at fitting shoes. A good fitter and store will spend a fair amount of time watching your gait and figure out what kind of shoe and how to improve your gait. The place I’d visited a few times would take a runner outside to run down the sidewalk so they could watch.

I hear you on the feelings of being worn out. I don’t get them as often as I used to but IMO, any kind of limited ability is as much emotional/mentally draining as physical. Anytime you need to share, we’re here for you :slight_smile:


“Was working with a personal trainer last week and he was “poking” (not hard) my left flexor to get it to activate. The poke gives the nervous system enough input that can get the muscles to active.”

Really pretty fascinating, right? :yes:

“any kind of limited ability is as much emotional/mentally draining as physical.”

Oh, absolutely. As equestrians, we kinda needed a sound body to do our sports. Ooops, guess that didn’t work out. Maybe next life, as I say(?). Yep, devastating. Lots of are in this boat, though, it seems. I was truly meant to be a racehorse groom. Oh. Well. #«&£^|%¡™

And {{{}}} to you, too. Many thanks again.

Anytime you need to share, we’re here for you

“Was working with a personal trainer last week and he was “poking” (not hard) my left flexor to get it to activate. The poke gives the nervous system enough input that can get the muscles to active.”

Really pretty fascinating, right? :yes:

“any kind of limited ability is as much emotional/mentally draining as physical.”

Oh, absolutely. As equestrians, we kinda needed a sound body to do our sports. Ooops, guess that didn’t work out here. Maybe next life, as I say(?). Yep, devastating. Lots of are in this boat, though, it seems. I was truly meant to be a racehorse groom. Oh. Well. #«&£^|%¡™

And {{{}}} to you, too. Many thanks, again.

Equities, which brace, if you don’t mind?

Thanks again, so very much, dear friends![/QUOTE]

Sorry, didn’t see this reply! I used to use a Breg PTO, which worked pretty well, and now use one by Bledsoe (I can’t remember the model name). Both are on the pricey side but they were covered by my insurance. They are bulky though, and not really appropriate for certain activities (riding, swimming, etc).

^^ Thank you!