I use Dr Bronners in lavender.
Its a castile base soap.
I looooved HSL, Been using it for years… only in the last 2 years have I noticed this greying on my saddles. Once conditioned they go back to their normal colour, but the greying is concerning that it’s pulling out the dye. I can’t say 100% it was HSL, but just knowing another poster had the same issue makes me think it could’ve been, but again not 100% concrete. Believe me, I’ve been googling about it thinking it could be other reasons.
It’s hard to get in Canada, so I’ve ordered in quantities at time of ordering. Thanks for coming on an reaching out. I couldn’t tell you when it was ordered as I have a few from that order. I’ve always loved how clean it made my tack
I buy the vanilla lavendar. This greying only happens with my saddles, not my bridles, girths, breastplates or boots.
To clean tack in general
Ahh, thanks.
On the suggestion of someone (may have even been you) on a thread about the same (tack cleaning) a looooooong time ago, I purchased some castile soap, but it’s thieves scented, since it was the only relatively small bottle I could find and I didn’t want to fork over the $ for the large bottle of Dr. Bronner’s which was all I could find at the time, but once this small bottle is used up I’ll definitely pick up the Dr. Bronner’s off our grocery store shelf. (Of course, I’ve now also found out all the OTHER used for castille, so I could have gone with the big bottle in the 1st place )
I use it for everything.
I dilute it in a spray bottle to clean around the house.
Diluted in a squirt pump for hands.
What I like about Bronners is ALL the scents it offers (not that there’s anything wrong with lavender), at least on our grocery shelves (I think I counted about 12!)