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Best trailer for a trouble horse


I wish there were better trailer options without spending 20k!!![/QUOTE]

Whoever quoted that the Eurotrailer is 20.000 is not correct. Maybe they raised the prices drastically since I looked at them, but mine was priced lower and if I would have bought in October when they got the new models, I would have payed 14.000… And I did look at a used Hawktrailer for 12.000 So if you plan a little, the difference is not that much… Besides that, the trailer is worth every penny, I can fit my 17.2 Warmblood as well as my 13.2 pony in there, because the safety bars can be adjusted in different heights, hitching it to my vehicle is 2 min and very easy, I love the ramp vs. step up and the removable interior. And most of all I love how easy it is in tight spaces to get around :slight_smile: I get into tiny spots without any problems and can turn on a dime… and my horse is riding totally comfortable because of the single adjusted tires and the suspension for each tire… My horses don’t need anything because they travel relaxed… Sorry for the long sermon, but I don’t agree with the 20.000