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Better Riding/Different Saddle?

Yes I totally agree. I think a longer block and shorter flap would really help you.

I have numbness in my hands, I can’t imagine the frustration with your legs! I hope you find a good solution, I think a better saddle will help a lot.

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I think going a size or two shorter in the flap will fix your issue. I think if you went with a straighter block then the seat would start to really appear too small, functionally.

When you shorten the flap, the whole geometry of how the roll is put on shifts as well. They don’t just hack a couple inches off the bottom.

If your seat is stable, then that means you are sitting with a neutral pelvis. Forcing your leg into another position with the block will likely tilt your pelvis and you will have to start all over again trying to learn your seat.

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You appear to be sitting in the back of the saddle instead of the middle. Get a saddle fitter to look at the balance with you in the saddle, and make any necessary adjustments.

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Generally I prefer saddles that are wool flocked. However I really like the Voltaire Adelaide dressage saddle. I am also 5’4" short legged and a little fluffy. They ride a bit small so I prefer an 18" but use a 17.5 in other brands.
On the used market they run about $3,000. New is more like $6,000.

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What is the code of the flap size on the Adelaide you are riding in?

I think it is a 3M.

A short flap on an Adelaide would be a 1. OP might could do a 1A (slightly forward). I am not a tiny person, but an 18” with 3 flap is huge on me (I rode in a demo with those specs). I personally don’t think they ride that small in the seat, but I need a forward flap on just about everything, which makes a difference in whether I wind up sitting in the right part of the seat.

For what it’s worth, my Custom rep says that she often finds that shorter legged riders seem to prefer the longer block and longer legged riders seem to prefer the shorter block.

I’m 5’7" but with a very long torso and short legs, particularly in the thigh. I rode in my long block Solo all the way through PSG. Several others in my barn who tried the Solo did not like the twist, but I like a really narrow twist. Anything in the Trilogy family made my hips ache in about 5 seconds. I had a Flight on loan while mine was being repaired and it sat well for me, but my horse did not like the tree. But I also did not like the Steffen Advantage at all.

yes, i agree that shortening your stirrups will probably make you feel more secure, and will aid your seat’s balance. That said, lengthening your stirrups will make you reach for them and will probably rock you more forward. What i see is that you are sitting on the cantle…which is why it looks like your saddle is too short for you. (not horse, you.). So…if you work on your POSITION at your seat, the feet position will sort themselves out. Your legs are a lever and right now, you are using them to push your rear back. You want to lengthen them so they won’t do that. Well, i say, ignore your feet and work more on your pelvis and your spinal column and your feet will adjust their position accordingly. And you, as a para rider will have the support at your feet when you need it. Don’t throw away a tool you need.

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