Beware [edit]

Unfortunately, it’s often mandated by management that the employees greet and spend a lot of time with EVERY customer :roll_eyes:. Even if the employee knows the customer would rather be left alone, they have to do their spiel and check in constantly. I guarantee you most don’t want to be doing it :laughing:. All cause someone hired a consulting firm or one entitled jerk didn’t feel worshipped enough by the employees and left a nasty Yelp review. Same goes for those credit card promos and rewards programs - they either have a quota or have to harass every. single. customer. about it. Hate that.

Small businesses are different - that’s often a personality thing. Doesn’t make me any less anxious as a customer though!


This is only tangentially related to the European vs. American personalities discussion, but I was listening to NPR on this morning’s commute and they were talking to a representative from the Estonian parliament about the letter signed by a number of countries trying to get the US House to bring the Ukraine bill up for a vote.

Anyway, he (the Estonian) did the full interview, then the journalist thanked him and he said, “You’re welcome, blah blah”. Then there was a pause like he’d just remembered something and he said “Have a nice day.”

I just cracked up. You know that some Estonian PR wag had briefed him for the interview and said something like “Be sure to tell him to have a nice day. It’s weird and I don’t know why, but with Americans you have to say that every time you talk to them!” :rofl:


My jumping horse used to passage in the pasture.

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They all…
Except when you’re riding & ask :expressionless:


Either that or when you don’t.