Biopsy on temporal artery... anyone have this done and what were the results/follow up?

I am honestly shocked that they are not at the very least, trying you on a migraine medication! That’s one of the first things here neurologist try as they see so many of them! Blood pressure meds have been a godsend for many people! As soon as I feel the “ice pick”…one of my auras , myother is lightheadedness as I’m on Tompmax to stop classic auras, I take a Relpax (my migraine med of choice) and it takes it away! Ignore it, and BAM migraine hell!

ask your drs about trying some migraine meds to see if you’ll get some relief! It’ll be trial and error to find the best Triptans but if it is migraine, they’ll take it away…if not migraine Triptans will not work anyway!


The rheumatologist is referring me to a neurologist. I am being weaned off the the Prednisone and the headaches are coming back. It will be nice to get an answer as to what is causing them. I am coming into the stressful time at my work through the end of June and I wonder if I will get more or less.

Hopefully the neurologist will try a migraine medication for you! Stress can definitely bring on migraines…fingers and toes crossed you can get some relief!

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More blood work as the primary care never referred me to a neurologist and it turns out I have lupus, which can cause the headaches, plus I developed the butterfly rash, still wicked tired with no energy (falling asleep at my desk at work tired) and my knee, ankle and hip joints are swollen and on fire. Back to the rheumatologist this week to find out a game plan. I was expecting Lyme disease but this diagnosis blew me out of the water. My mare is sidelined with an abscess so I guess we both get to rest today.

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So sorry you are going through this! Is anyone talking about diet? Having watched a family member deal with lupus (and possibly other auto-immune issues, it’s hard to pin them down exactly,) if it happened to me I would try to get to a registered dietician in concert with all the doctors.

I got my appointment moved to tomorrow and hope to get answers.

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Hi Cora’sMom. Oh my goodness! I just started reading your post because I remembered that someone on COTH had had temporal artery biopsy and I am currently having major temporal migraine problems. I am sorry to hear that your story took a turn and that your diagnosis is Lupus. I am in the middle of trying to find the answers to my daily migraines and other symptoms. How are you doing? I hope your headaches have been treated and that you are feeling better.