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But if the account was in your name and your landlord asked them to shut off the power, they wouldn’t do it without verifying that he owned the house first.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and landlord would produce a document for that specific address recorded in public records with the city/county.

How would you like it if somebody claiming to be your horse’s legal owner showed your BO a piece of paper and s/he let them haul it away without checking with you first?

That would be some thread on here condemning the BO for letting the horse go to join this one condemning the BO for not letting the horse go.

This is between OP and her "friend’. BO is doing their job in not releasing the horse without the boarders consent or a court document authorizing the release.

Really easy solution here, OP needs to get “friend” to tell BO to release horse or get a court order.

Contacting the BLM…:eek:. Good luck with that. Worst reputation of any Gov’t agency as a result of their fine history acting in the best interests of Native Americans and managing the Mustangs as well as multiple other ongoing fiascos and scandals involving “public” lands. Yeah, they’ll get right on that for you…

OP, I have nothing helpful to add except that I hope you can resolve the situation. It sucks extra because an animal’s care is involved.

It’s easy for people in internet-land to sit back and pass judgement on a situation. But sometimes sh*t just happens. I recently was royally screwed over by a good friend who stole expensive tack from me. If I recounted the whole story, everyone and their brother would say I should have seen it coming. But no one truly expects a good friend to rip you off.[/QUOTE]

oh God…finally someone who understands my situation. I am a very loving, caring and forgiving person and believe me the tears i’ve shed and sleepless nights for this horse, I cannot count. I i will be moving the horse as soon as the escrow closes on my house since boarding around my place is over $300/mo and I already have 2. We have 2 mutual friends who work at the horse ranch as well and they were BAFFLED by her actions (well more like lack there of). I try to do good and all of a sudden i’m the bad guy. Thank you for understanding.

How has she responded to this? You may want to hold off on getting the authorities involved if she is going to be friendly about this. Jumping to file a police report or something may make a simple situation get ugly fast. If she is willing to give notice to her barn owner and give authorization that you can pick the horse up, then it all works out. If she is not going to act reasonably, then you need to take steps toward getting the barn owner some kind of authorization (police action, court order) that they need for you to pick up the horse.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your guidance. I’m trying to be civil with her (literally going way out of my way now) and she wont put her pride down. So, unfortunately, I know I am going to have to get legal.

Similar situation happened with my horse last year. Kept losing weight, feet weren’t done, looked terrible. I tried to work with them to move horse to a new barn, but in the end, leasee was in denial there was a problem and I ended up taking the horse back. BO was not happy, but didn’t do anything, and I didn’t care as I felt she was doing a poor job of caring for him anyways.

My horse is now doing exceptionally, well, has regained the 200 lbs he lost, and is happy and healthy again. Best of luck to you OP in getting your horse back.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your guidance! I am so sorry that you had to go through this as well. Best wishes to your baby. This is the route I’m going to have to take.

I know states have different laws but I find it hard to believe that the BO is honoring her lease over legal papers of ownership.
I might actually threaten her with legal proceedings of withholding your property from you. Never mind your friend as she is not in a position on anything - she has no lease or anything in writing to establish any rights to the horse. The BO, however is not correct in keeping the horse from you. If I go steal a horse outright, then I sign a lease with her, then I get to keep it?? Of course not. I would tell your friend to stay away from YOUR horse and I would also tell the BO that she better release the horse or come up with ownership papers because you are coming to get your horse.

Btw, I hope you re-evaluate how many mistakes a person is allowed to make before you accept it is a fail. I know hindsight is more accurate but reading the list of chances you gave her at the horses expense was frustrating as hell. She proved to you in the first couple of issues that she shouldn’t be trusted. For the horses sake, don’t give anyone this much leeway again.[/QUOTE]

Thank you so much for your guidance. I will be following up with the BO and present her with those options.

as far as re-evaluating mistakes: I get it. I gave her way too many chances, more than I was comfortable with. I always try to be the forgiving person and I try to place myself in their shoes. I always offer my assistance and if they need it don’t hesitate to ask. I completely understand your frustration. She works at a horse ranch, so I didn’t think twice that she would be negligent (she actually was recently let go). Our 2 mutual friends who also work at the ranch are baffled by her behavior and don’t understand why. Lesson learned for me that’s for damn sure. Never again will I trust ANYONE with an offsite lease. I really appreciate your time in providing your feedback. Thank you.

But if the account was in your name and your landlord asked them to shut off the power, they wouldn’t do it without verifying that he owned the house first.[/QUOTE]

This doesn’t relate to this thread, but the electric company did something similar to me once. On a 105 degree friday afternoon they turned off my power. I called and they said, the someone (the old owners) called to make sure they weren’t still be charged for electric. So the power company said it was still active (the address, but they didn’t check names.), so they turned off the power. They said, “sorry, our bad. We’ll be out Monday,” after you have a miserable weekend and all of your food is ruined.

OP, I hope things get figured out for you.

Thank you so much for your guidance. I will be following up with the BO and present her with those options.

as far as re-evaluating mistakes: I get it. I gave her way too many chances, more than I was comfortable with. I always try to be the forgiving person and I try to place myself in their shoes. I always offer my assistance and if they need it don’t hesitate to ask. I completely understand your frustration. She works at a horse ranch, so I didn’t think twice that she would be negligent (she actually was recently let go). Our 2 mutual friends who also work at the ranch are baffled by her behavior and don’t understand why. Lesson learned for me that’s for damn sure. Never again will I trust ANYONE with an offsite lease. I really appreciate your time in providing your feedback. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

When your a kind person, it is hard to believe that other people are not. Wanting to see the best in people is also a good trait. :slight_smile:
I made those types of mistakes too.