Borium in shoes

I’m a bit confused how borium will help in the way described. I mean sure, borium will give extra sticky/grab against another solid surface (concrete, rock, ice, etc.) … but how is it going to give add’l grab against groomed (and far from solid) arena footing? Which presumably is where you do most of that work to encourage her to properly build up conditioning/development in her hind end?

That is a separate issue from having too much grab the rest of the time. I’m not sure it sounds like a good idea to have all that extra grab when you don’t actually need it (especially if the ground is rocky/hard, where it could reasonably come into play more than in, for example, my soft pastures).

If the horse is potentially running around acting like a fool in the way of horses and gets a lot of extra grab and torque on that leg … seems maybe not so good. Maybe not so bad either since there are plenty of horses who wear borium for plenty of good reasons and seem to do fine the other 23 hours of the day in the same shoes… but we all assume that it comes with a tiny side serving of risk. So I guess if that side serving of risk comes with no obvious benefit (and lightens your wallet), I would need a more rigorous analysis and explanation of how it is a benefit.