Keeping a pet steer into old age can be expensive. Husband the Farrier had a couple “pet cow/steer clients” that he trimmed along with the clients’ horses.
Sparky was a 4H steer project of a little girl. She worked and worked with him until he was the perfect show steer. They did very well at Fair, so he was among the first of the cattle in the auction of meat animals. She got into the ring and THEN heard the announcer saying what great steaks he would make! She burst into tears and yelled to her father, “They are going to EAT Sparky!!” Nothing else for it but her Dad had to buy Sparky! His “friends” helped run the price WAYYY up, so Sparky was 5 figures when he sold to Dad. Not quite as bad as it sounds, since Dad was fairly well off and the sale price money goes back to the kid. Well Sparky went home with his girl and lived to be elderly, a burden to her parents. Girl grew up, moved away, leaving her 2 old horses and Sparky at home. He outlived the horses, was the last pet until they needed to put him down. Close to 20 years old. Husband said he was real easy to trim, held his legs up, stood MUCH better than their horses! The Dad had to get in a backhoe to dig the BIG hole because he was a huge steer in maturity.
Another cow client had a Brown Swiss cow who got trimmed along with the horses. Also a pet, never had a calf that I know of. Brown Swiss are HUGE cows and she was the husband’s pet. He loved walking her, grooming her and she loved him. She was also very well trained, held up her feet nicely, no leaning. Husband told the husband that the cow was getting overweight, hooves were starting to show problems. He suggested taking cow for more walking exercise to lose weight. So the husband started walking her out to the mailbox daily. Driveway is half a mile long, so a good length out and back. My husband noticed a definate weight improvement, better muscle tone in the cow on his next visit and complimented the owner on getting cow exercised. Wife spoke to my husband while getting her horses done, thanking him for the cow exercise suggestion! She said “You can’t tell with his winter clothing, but Bill is also losing weight!!” My Husband retired soon after that, but DD took over his Farrier practice. She continued to do their cow and horses. Cow finally had to be put down with old age and the walking ceased. DD said cow was very fit and trim when she went and Bill was too!!