Breast cancer/mastectomy/reconstruction

I just wanted to update this again, for whomever might come along behind me with the same questions. Two weeks out from surgery, I have gotten the go ahead from my plastic surgeon to resume all my normal activities. It is amazing, and right now I am a big fan of surgeons. I got some good sports bras, and I will ride later this week. Everything looks pretty good too!

Going into this, I was so concerned about recovery and being debilitated, but it was not that bad at all. I was feeding within a week, blanketing within two weeks. The next big step will be throwing a saddle over, and after that, the fait accompli, closing the ramp on my trailer.

A horsie friend attributed the quick recovery to being around horses, and being used to getting knocked around. Probably true! I also have to give some credit to horse showing, and being used to going in and riding like a dummy and having to go back in and trying to save face! I think riding horses teaches us a lot about being knocked down, physcially and mentally, and getting back up!

So glad you are on the road to recovery!

I had not seen this thread before, but just wanted to add my $0.02!

I had a 2nd occurrance infiltrating ductal breast cancer 9 years after lumpectomy/chemo/radiation.
I did internet research, and decided bilateral mastectomy with DIEP flap was for me, especially as it can be done without taking muscle (just skin & fat) from the abdomen. The big hospital in Baltimore did not do a good job for me:no: So I was almost a year without breasts. Though I didn’t think they were all that important to me…I found that my chest felt cold & caved-in, padded prostheses always rode up under my chin, and silicone prosthetics were heavy, uncomfortable, and expensive. Some insurance companies do not have to kick in for reconstruction if they have already paid for prosthetics. Oddly, I found myself dressing to cover up, not to accentuate me…started wearing my husbands old shirts, etc.
Anyway, I went to Cleveland Clinic, and they did a fabulous job with my bilateral DIEP flaps and nipple construction. My chest feels warm and comfortable…they look and feel like me! I am in my 50’s and back in the saddle, and grateful to be here!
If I can say anything to help, please feel free to p.m.
Thanks OP for posting!