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Broke my pelvis...+ leg blood clot...I CAN WALK (update)

It sounds like you guys are dealing with a lot right now even without your injuries, I’m so sorry all of this is happening to you. Even just one of the issues you’ve mentioned would be enough to seriously stress someone out, and you seem to be handling all of them pretty well all things considered. I’m just going to throw this out there, but you could consider booking a few sessions with a therapist, either individually or as a couple, just to help you work through everything you have going on right now. I’ve personally gotten a lot of value out of it, and even just having a neutral person to talk to can be enough to help me feel “un-stuck” when I’m feeling like I have no good options. There are several online services available these days so you wouldn’t have to worry about getting yourself to the appointments, and they usually come with texting options too if you just need a quick pick-me-up between sessions. Just something to think about, and I really do think you guys are doing remarkably well considering everything that seems stacked against you right now, even though it probably doesn’t feel that way right now.

Sending all the healing thoughts your way, and hoping the universe cuts you a break soon!


Yes, that IS a good idea. I have been to therapy for chronic pain previously, and it helped somewhat. Having DH involved is a good idea. We both have anger this happened, but are misdirecting it. I mean, there is nowhere really to direct it. Thank goodness for our pets. They are awesome.

Made a facebook post looking for someone to help me with lessons (setting jumps, scooping poop) in exchange for riding. Getting a lot of interest, so hopefully someone works out and I can get back to teaching. Still need to be able to get down the flipping stairs by myself though. I keep catching my good heel on the step and fall back. We unfortunately do not have a railing. it’s only three stairs, but those three stairs are terrifying!


I’m sure if you could do this, you would have thought of it already. Can you go down sitting on your bum?

Gosh no. My sacrum is broken. I can’t even sit on a regular toilet yet!

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That’s what I thought. I’m sorry- it was a stupid suggestion.

Not stupid. I keep imagining the same thing…it is frustrating to be stymied by three stupid stairs!

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Get two wide planks of wood and place them over the steps. The longer the less steep. You now have a ramp for the wheelchair.

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When we had flooring replaced in our home, I asked the store owner (26 years experience) if he had any suggestions for making our staircase safer. One thing he mentioned during our discussion was that the leading cause of falls on stairs was the person’s heel catching on the step.

In a previous home, we had a den that was two steps down with no handrail; once, while descending while trying to avoid the old dog who was in my way, I ended up spraining an ankle as I caught myself from falling. Didn’t step on the dog, didn’t drop the glass I was holding, but hurt myself.

We called a carpenter to redo the two stairs into three broader, shallower steps, and painted them with a rubbery paint for extra grip. This was a quick, inexpensive way to make the change of level safer, perhaps something such as this would be possible in your home.

Is there any possibility of adding a handhold? Is there a wall surface nearby? We put No Drilling Required grab bars in our bathroom, but I don’t believe they’ll work on drywall, as they need a surface like tile or stone or the like for the adhesive to adhere.


Unfortunately the landing isn’t big enough. I would wheel really fast into the back door!

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Yes, we COULD add a rail. I think we took it out when we moved in (narrow space), but I don’t want to add more to DH’s list. As well as looking after me, the animals and his job, he has taken on looking after his dad’s derelict rental property. he has taken on too much, but I can’t talk to him about it.


It’s funny how progress/healing just happens. Last night I was able to put some weight on my right leg to go down stairs. Still scary. Stairs, and well, walking and running for that matter, are pretty much falling forward and counting on your other leg to catch you. I just don’t always trust the crutches, and don’t know how much to trust me let.

I was able to clean stalls too. Only two horses in the barn thankfully. Took a horrendously long time, and I can’t bed them or put hay in, but it’s a step. DH cuddled barn cats while I worked. Hip was sore this morning but I think that is ok.

really hoping I can start driving next week; the drive to my mill job and to my favourite grocery store is super easy.

Teaching a lesson tomorrow and one Friday. It will be warm so can be outside. my right leg gets so cold still. I need an 80’s style leg warmer!


CHT, I broke my ankle last October. Then developed a massive clot from foot into abdomen. I have been on blood thinners since November 5th. :frowning: Sucks, but better than the alternative!

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That’s a long time! I hope it is close to resolving for you.

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LOL then keep the back door open! Said in a not cold country.

If hubby is there he can stand behind and stop you going too fast and can open the door for you.

Oh I see you managed the stairs, healing may be quicker than you thought.


Healing wishes to you from Colorado. Hang in there.
Do you have a friend who might loan you a golf cart?

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We have a side-by-side I can use around the farm. I have a four wheel walker that seems to work well in the arena: I taught once today. For some reason teaching sitting was harder than I thought…will take a while to get back into it!


I can do stairs now! I figured out if I put the crutches in one hand and use the wall/door jam for balance on the other side and I am good to go!

Main issue now is that my lower legs get exceptionally cold quite quickly. The DVT leg is worse, but both are bad. Glad it is oddly hot here during the day, so I just wait to go out until it warms up.


Be careful with the DVT.

Today my DVT foot/leg is moderately purple. I am hoping this means blood is circulating again? But yes, it is the more frightening of the two current unsoundnesses. I am still leery of wearing socks that go past my ankle or pants with a cuff.

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So Annoying Client (AC) got back from vacation and came out today. To be fair to her, it became extraordinarily windy when she came out, but still, she could easily see that there was nobody else at the barn and that DHs truck was gone. But she still brought her mare in…who spooked and got away from her. So she texted me that her horse was loose. And then she caught her, and then that she would need help putting her back out…what on earth did she think I could do to help her?!? Fortunately the farrier and DH arrived at the barn and could help her, but…I think this will be good. She wants to keep horses at home, so she needs to learn to stay in her comfort zone and be self reliant.

On another note, trainer came and rode my yellow horse. He was a little antsy - very windy and as she was tacking up my lesson group showed up, so barn was busy but he was a very good boy once she got on, and she loved how smooth, light and simple he was (a little crooked at canter) . She will ride and jump him again next week, and then i have in barn people to keep him going a bit between her rides.