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Broken ankle

With foot/ankle injuries, always get a knee scooter in addition to ergonomic crutches, the kind with spring tips. I was NWB for more than two years total after seven lower-limb surgeries. Ask your surgeon if you can lie on your back, feet in the air, to do range-of-motion exercises for your legs, knees, groin, hips and IT bands. Ask for guidance on the gastrocnemius in particular.

@Herbaceous, has the doctor proposed an ultrasonic bone stimulator? And are you pounding calcium and Vitamin D?

Iā€™ve now started doing a bit of walking in the boot. Itā€™s tiring, but going OK overall. My next appointment is in two weeks.

I have been taking a calcium/magnesium/vitamin D supplement, so Iā€™m hoping it heals well. The doctor didnā€™t seem overly concerned at my last appointment (and he did mention it had been 3 months since the initial break), so I guess maybe Iā€™m just a slow healer? Iā€™m 39, so starting to get a little older, but certainly not ancient!

Went outside for a walk today and I made it all the way to the end of the street and back! Hopefully I can start building up some more strength over the next few days - I will have to head back into the office in the new year. Iā€™ve been working from home but theyā€™re starting to give me a hard time about it.


I second getting a knee scooter for when you really need to rest it in the house, it will let you use your hands. I really sympathise , I had an accident on June 2nd and am only just out of the boot two weeks ago and back driving but not yet allowed to ride.
Iā€™m allowed to ride a static spin bike now which is helping build strength again.

I have scanned through this thread and canā€™t find that itā€™s been suggested, but is getting some PEMF treatments an option for you? I know sometimes they can be contraindicated depending on your injury and timeline, and itā€™s not cheap, but it can be very beneficial in helping the body to heal (my husband and I invested in our own machine a few years ago and itā€™s some of the best money weā€™ve spent).

All the best to youā€” hang in there.

I had an x-ray last week and was FINALLY cleared to start physio! Iā€™ve been going to physio twice a week, getting stretched, ultrasounded, and zapped with electricity.

The physiotherapist was alarmed at first that Iā€™d been in the boot/cast for so long, but she said Iā€™m doing better than she would have expected. Everything is extremely tight (especially the calf), but I think I am already starting to notice a bit of improvement in my range of motion.

Going to try weaning out of the boot over the next few weeks. I may be able to get back to riding in a few weeks! Right now I think I could probably sit on a horse and ride - itā€™s just the mounting part that Iā€™m not sure about.

I did ask the doctor if I should be concerned that this took so long to heal - he said that it is longer than heā€™d expect for a healthy 39 year old, but just on the high end of normal, not into ā€œthis is concerningā€ territory. Guess Iā€™m just a slow healer, unfortunately.


It doesnā€™t have to be all or nothing with the boot. I used to put the boot on for longer walks to burn some calories & build some stamina. I took it off for shorter walks - at work and around the house. I had argument with a guy one day over it. Finally told him it was my foot and not worry about it.

I found dry needling extremely helpful for the tight calves! I didnā€™t try it until more than 2 years post injury, but still found it made a huge (and lasting) difference.

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Itā€™s been about 5-1/2 months now since I broke my ankle, and I finally got back on a horse yesterday! My physiotherapist cleared me for very light riding - I practiced by mounting the stationary bike as if it was a horse.

My coach put me on the lunge line and I spent half an hour at the walk just getting back into the motion, doing some stretches, working on position, etc. It felt so good to be back on a horse!

Horsey was an absolute angel to his credit - even with the scary ice sliding off the arena roof, he barely even flinched the whole time. Such a good boy.

Itā€™s going to take time, but I have to start somewhere! Maybe in another week or two Iā€™ll get to try trotting.


This is great news! A long road, but you are getting there :slight_smile:


Great news!

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