Broken pelvis

make use of this time!

When I woke up in the nursing hom:cry:e and could not get out of bed:mad:; I “re rode”, in my mind, every course I could remembe;)r, also dressage tests; later , as I watched a video of myself, and thought canter transition, I felt the muscle on my left leg move:cool:, as I applied the leg! It gave me great hope!:yes:

Carol- No practitioner in my area… think Dances with Wolves for my area as far as more high-tech treatments especially if it has to do with anything horsey! I drive almost two hours just to go to a decent chiro for myself, you don’t even want to know what an act of congress it is to get my two boys adjusted every once in a while!

The ortho doc didn’t feel my injury would require any real PT, so w/o a recommendation I am kinda on my own here, granted I am walking pretty well and even drove my truck for the first time today. The swimming a light exercises I already knew about it the pool seem to really be helping. I’m not so winded and I’m feeling fitter, especially in my left leg where I could see the difference in muscle tone loss compared to my right.

And not that its really any of your business, but I was wearing a helmet [/QUOTE]

I also was wearing a helmet when I was injured. I got my leg kicked by somebody else’s horse, and I got a BIG TIME very REAL compound tibia. And yes, I did have to ride my horse many miles back to the trail head. And, one of those, you can’t just have a cast on it and call it a day. No. Surgeries. And a few.

Lot of good a helmet did now didn’t it? Umm no. I usually didn’t wear one and my riding partners asked, why the helmet? I said I dunno.

Also I had somebody blast me on the internet that I knew, who said I ASKED for it, and DESERVED to be kicked by this horse. She was not there. Horse backed up out of nowhere and kicked at my horse. He missed my horse and got my leg. I was well away from the other horse, also it was dark under the tree foliage. Stupid rider. Was NOT my fault. And I certainly didn’t ASK FOR IT NOR DESERVE to be kicked. It forever changed my life. Forever. Worst injury I have ever had. I think only my dear wonderful husband who took care of me, and my long departed dog (who stayed by my side pretty much night and day), really knew my real pain. My dog would not leave my side for many many many months.

Injuries such as ours are a heal thyself. You and only you know you the best, and you have to use good judgement.

Oh, but I had a helmet on, so THAT makes all the freaking difference.

You go girl, you are doing GREAT. You will never be the same, and things will be different forever. Hard to explain. But you can do it. You will get better. I had to quit doing endurance riding, but I am a gaiting trail riding fool these days!

Helmet. Oh shut up YOU whoever said that. Hmph!