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Broken ribs

I broke a couple of ribs when a mare fell with me on the backside of a jump a few years ago. I strapped on a rib belt as tight as I could get it and was back on the next day (and rode 2-3 horses a day every day of my recovery). But I very quickly learned that I was extremely limited in what I could tolerate and rode very cautiously for the first few weeks. IIRC, I was sore but pretty close to normal at 3 weeks (but still couldn’t sit the trot or jump bigger fences) and then really back to normal at 5 or 6 weeks when I was back to the next set of shows with my horses. Like OTTBs said, I lived on Tylenol + 800mg Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours, which definitely helped!

Coughing and sneezing were the worst!

I am currently nursing a broken back rib….plus grade 2 groin tear (original x rays didn’t show the broken rib and pain was getting worse and more swollen then voila)! Fell off at a horse show a few weeks ago! It’s definitely painful but not as painful as the groin tear! But no….I will not be riding for quite a few weeks and I’m finally allowed to start physio next week! I too am currently living on Tylenol and Motrin!

Obviously we need to quit falling off horses, is dangerous!

OSHA Cowboy:


Some broken ribs heal without problem, others take longer and will be like hitting a hot wire if we ever forget and lean on them.

Wishing everyone a fast, uneventful recovery.


Got kicked by a horse on stall rest in February and ended up with 4 broken ribs and a collapsed lung, 2 of the ribs were displaced so badly that I had surgery to repair them with plates and screws. Almost 6 months later I still have pain both from the ribs and where they put in a chest tube to drain the air from the collapsed lung.

Wishing all speedy recoveries as I wouldn’t wish broken ribs on anyone.


I am sorry that sounds awful…I hope you feel better soon! Husband is almost back to normal but still has some pain, especially rolling over at night.

Has he tried one of those big body pillows? That kept me from rolling onto that side overnight once I could sleep flat.

I cracked a rib or two a few weeks ago; very not fun. I had to use a chair by the bed to hold onto in order to get up and use the headboard to turn myself over. Pillows helped too. I actually felt better sleeping on the cracked side for some reason but the recliner was the best place sometimes.

Very important-to suppress a sneeze press between your nose and upper lip.

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Broken rib pro here, unfortunately. The first time was 5 broken ribs, teeny collapsed portion of one lung after a chestnut mare was feeling fresh and I giggled at her fresh bucks and then she launched me into the frozen ground. I walked on a treadmill on an incline for several miles a day to stay active, was back to work at a desk job in a week, back on the horses in a month - could’ve been sooner but it was January and bad weather. Healed great.

Second time was 6 months later after I came off and got stepped on after an out of control horse crashed into us in the warm up ring at a show. That one required surgery and plates to reconstruct my chest, resect and staple a lung back together; there were 6 broken ribs in a bunch of places with a flail chest segment, my liver was lacerated 75% of the way through and I spent 12 days in the hospital because the lung kept springing leaks and re-collapsing. I was back on in a month but tacking up and down was bad - being on was fine but I lacked any core since my intercostal muscles were like ground burger for a while. At 7 weeks I went to a show and did one in the 5 yo and one in the 1.30 - that was dumb as I certainly didn’t give the heavy/strong 1.30 horse a good ride without any real core. Fwiw, the surgeon told me “you can ride, just don’t fall off.”

Lessons learned are to sleep in a recliner for the first two weeks or so, do the extra strength tylenol/ibuprophen cocktail religiously and before you think you need it (mine was every 4 hours around the clock), get a prescription for robaxin/muscle relaxers if you want to be active as you heal, drink lots of water, press right under your tear ducts if you feel a sneeze coming on and hug a pillow against your broken side if you do have to cough.

My friends chipped in after the second incident and bought me a horse pilot air vest and I’ve come off several times since then - I do worry about landing on the side of my ribs that are covered in plates. The vest has always deployed successfully and I feel it really helped prevent pain and reinjury of that side.

My sister has ridden a horse twice and fallen off both times. The dismount as a child was safe but the second time was not. She was at a dude ranch and the horse started cantering home and she came off. Landed on a tree stump, messed up her spleen and multiple cracked ribs.

When she got home one of her daughters came home to help her and make meals. My BIL, a trauma surgeon, made her get out of bed multiple times a day and run up the stairs. He told her she would heal better and faster this way. She healed up and is fine now although I am sure she was cursing him everytime she went up the stairs. I don’t know how long it took. She has not, however, been back on a horse ( and probably never will) so I can’t tell you the timeline on that.

It’s really important to make your lungs work after an injury like that. I was ok to move and elevate my breathing but moving in a way that made the surrounding muscles work was horrible. I didn’t have a terrible injury though, probably the least of all these stories. But it was a horse wreck lol ugh

To get back on just walking no trot or canter for me was 8 weeks 3 months later i could trot and canter but only for a few minutes because it hurt to breath. It took over a year until i could ride without pain. My accident was wheb i was pinned between a horse and a fence getting kicked in the knee and getting a pneumothorax and fractured 2 ribs. Why it took so long because your lungs and ribs do not stay still and there’s no way to prevent them from moving