Section 404 of the Clean Water Act which regulates wetlands and the placing of fill in the waters of the United States is NOT something that was ramped up in the Obama administration. This law was passed by Congress during the Nixon administration.
As a wildlife biologist, I have reviewed project after project and most were FONSI. (Findings of No Significant Impact) but even so, so much has been destroyed. If you don’t know the value of wetlands, then I suppose it doesn’t matter to you.[/QUOTE]
I completely understand that the actions of a person upstream can have a very negative impact on those downstream. Falls under; “always drink upstream from where the cows drink”
Our farm is in the Chesapeake water shed area. The Chesapeake bay is at least 50 miles away and has been devastated by run-off contamination. By development and unintentional farming practices. A lot of these things have been addressed in the Chesapeake is in far better shape than it was 20 years ago but has a long way to go.
I have been an “outdoors man” since childhood. I have done a lot of canoeing since childhood in the 60s. Mainly in the upper NE. Long before the word “ecology, environment” became mainstream. I saw first hand what had been done to our water ways and wetlands. But we have come a long way since then. The same rivers I canoed as a child are in a LOT better shape now. The EPA had a lot to do with this and public education.
But the EPA has gotten a bit to big for it britches. The Obama (I am not anti Obama) administration has contributed to this. Good intentions don’t always end up being good. Good for the great good.
I am an old tree hugging hippy. But I have learned which trees need hugging and which ones society as a whole has to be realistic about.
IMO this tread is a perfect example of the pendulum swinging way too far to in the other direction. I bet the OP had no idea that such a simple question about wanting to build a SIMPLE 4 foot wide bridge that will be used on the odd times for the OPs own PERSONAL use would spark so much controversy.
As I said in my first comment, making a mountain out of a mole hill. Though in some cases there is a reason for this. IMO based on the information supplied this is a mole hill. I chose to treat it that way.
A number of the suggested ways are a bit of overkill for something that can be accomplished with a bit of effort and a few dollars. Most of the other suggestions would require a major effort and money.
As I said in my first comment IF some regulatory agency happened to take exception the worst that could happen is it would have to be removed. If the OP ended up in an “Alice’s Restaurant” scenario I will be the first to contribute to their defense fund.