BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry

Josiah Bartlett from The West Wing!!!

No, huh? Don’t get to pick him? Darn!

Well, I’m voting for Gore because his platform on three issues I care about the most–abortion, gun control, and the environment/land preservation–are more in line with my own thoughts. Basically, the Republicans in general and Bush in specific’s beholdeness to the NRA and the religous right scares the bejezus out of me.

However, the point should me made that I think Gore is kind of a putz, and had I another choice, I wouldn’t pick him either.

Think we could do a write-in campaign for Josiah Bartlett?

So, Bush or Gore?

There is a difference as Republicans we believe there is a way to get these people confident and successful enough to get out of poverty. We have confidence in them. As Democrats you assume their stupidity and lack of sophistication so they can’t be helped to be made independent.

You are precisely right in your estimation of socialists’ opinions of the American people, but their comtempt does not cause them to want to reach out and help. People’s perceived helplessness is viewed by socialists as an opportunity to incresase power over them by usurping their choices and taking their freedoms in the name of compassion. Take the Clinton’s attempt to institute national health care, for example. Hillary Clinton would have forcibly taken control of 14% of the Gross Domestic Product ( a huge sum of money), nationalized three major industries (Health Insurance, Health Care Dellivery, and Health Education), pressed into involuntary government service thousands of Americans now working in those industries, swelling the ranks of federal bureaucrats probably by several times and thereby increasing her constituency, and made every man, woman and child in America dependant on the federal government for their physical well-being. It would have been the single greatest act of larceny and treachery in the history of the world. Can you imagine an emergency room nurse with all the compassion and efficiency of a postal clerk or having your need for a heart transplant evaluated on the basis of poliltical reliability by some Clinton commisar?

I don’t for a minute think that any of these people are doing any of this in good faith any more than I believe that the NEA opposes reform in education in the best interests of the children. This is a war for our most basic freedoms and the federal bureaucracy is the enemy. They vote their own pockets, lined with stolen money.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by magnolia:
[B]"Land appraisals vary and they use the highest and best use of the land. "

LOL, only in tax situations where the government get’s money. These poor saps in my neighborhood are getting 1/2 of their front yards taken for a roads project. They used an assessment from ten years ago (properties have about doubled since then…) oh, and do they get the whole value of the house, being as such they’ll never be able to sell w/ 6 lanes of traffic literally 10 feet from their door? Noooooooo, they get a percentage based on the amount of land used. Nice,eh? I wish they would use some of my tax dollars to buy these guys houses. [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Magnolia, sounds like your neighbors need to hire their own appraisers. They need ‘before and after’ appraisals - the value of the property before, vs. the value of the property after the taking. They should be paid the difference. Might have to take the State to court, but they’re entitled to just compensation.

I worked on one case where a road widening made the house’s driveway access so dangerous that the appraised value of the home was $0 after the road widening, and so the judge ruled - and the State was forced to pay the owner the full ‘before’ value of the home

[This message has been edited by Bertie (edited 10-31-2000).]

His middle initial “w”–Sounds like “Dubya” when pronounced by Southerners (myself included).

Bertie, I agree. The college was formed back when distance was an issue in a campaign. Another interesting part of it, in case of a tie, each state gets one vote. Also, each state’s delegates are not bound by law to vote as their state’s majority indicates. Like most things in government, it’ll take a “collision” of sorts to amend the constitution.

Oh yeah…Woodbern…you go girl!

[This message has been edited by farmgate (edited 11-07-2000).]

The more I listen to Bush talk, the more I hear a little bit of Ross Perot coming out. Nice 3 word sentences.

Hey TX cliquers - I lived in west TX for a while - and I didn’t recognize anyone talking like Bush and Perot - What is up with them?

My husband is an lobbyist (used to specialize in environmental legislation) and his opinion is that if they elect Gore we better all be prepared to start commuting on our show horses (or invest in electric cars with really long extension cords). Basically, Gore will promise anything to anyone to get elected. On the other hand, Bush is not the brightest bulb in the marquee, but then again - he isn’t really smart enough to be real sneaky and conniving. Down her in Houston alot of us like “W”…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cougar2:
BRAVO HOBSON! good for you! I feel exactly the same way…although people just don’t seem to get it that i hardly feel “left out” or that I am “missing something” but not having any…nope biological clock just ain’t ticking and i’m 35…LOL… I have a horse and two cats, THAT’S children enough for me~<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh, Cougar2 - it’s great to find someone elso of the same mind! Yup…when I was 3 years old I began refusing to play with dolls, explaining to my parents that it was unnatural and creepy for someone my age to pretend to have children. (Really off the subject, but doesn’t anyone else find it bizarre that we force realistic-as-possible baby dolls on little girls and then complain about teenage pregnancy?!) My opinions about having children only solidified from there. Heck, if I had kids, I couldn’t afford the horses, and that’s reason enough to avoid them. I, too, have had the experience of being vilified by women who scream at me that I’m “less of a woman” because I’ll never crank out a baby. They get spitting angry when I assure them that I’m plenty of woman and don’t need a child just to prove it. Sheesh! I’m all for any social programs that aid children, schools, teachers, etc…I just think kids deserve the best chance they can get, and that’s why none of them should have unwilling parents like you and me.

[This message has been edited by hobson (edited 10-26-2000).]

Geez - stay away for 2 days and there are so many posts I want to quote back at, this would look like a patchwork quilt!

Snowbird: If I read that line about “clamp her legs shut and say NO” one more time I will SCREAM! Wise up woman! You’ve had children; therefore you’re not a virgin - hopefully you know sex CAN be enjoyable?? Why should a male be able to take his pleasure (take being the operative word) while the female is pressing her legs together?? Why shouldn’t a woman be able to enjoy sex? And if that means getting EDUCATION, REDUCED COST BIRTH CONTROL, AND MEDICAL CARE then TG for Planned Parenthood. Get out of the 40’s with that ancient attitude.

Regarding those unwanted babies the Republican’s want women to have rather than abortions… only if they’re white and healthy. If all prospective “adoptive” parents just wanted a child, then they’d take whatever was available, right? But they don’t do that. They go to Eastern Europe to get white babies so they don’t have to deal w/ “why is Johnny black when his parents are white” and learning a different culture. Yes! Some DO go to China, and some DO adopt racially mixed children, and some DO adopt children w/ known medical problems. But IMHO most couples want a child the same skin color as their own and who can blame them? If you’re caucasion looking at your Vietnamese child you are reminded EVERYTIME you look at him/her that YOU were unable to bear a child.

Taxes: If you have a big piece of the pie, and you loose a chunk of it, you’ll notice it less than the person w/ a sliver.

Appychick: welcome to the board. Go back to lurking if after all you’ve read on this thread “who’d want Gore for a president” is the best you can do. To give you the quick answer you don’t deserve:

A woman who wants control over her body, and who wants to know she can make her decision knowing if she needs help financially, it is there. A woman who sees through the rhetoric of a tax cut many will see little of and a few will see millions of. A woman who realizes that “christian-right tolerance” is an oxymoron. A woman who can’t believe a candidate believes in enviornmentalism when his own capitol city has an exceedingly high smog factor. For starters.

As for Nouveau’s not being philanthropical, two words… BILL GATES. His foundation is huge and will do great things for many children.

The formation of Social Security: Occurred in 1935 as part of FDR’s New Deal to improve conditions for people suffering from the fall out of the Great Depression. A system of Federally funded services and payments to help support the needy, the aged, and the temporarily unemployed as well as neglected children, and rehabilitation for the disabled. NOT instituted for “war hero’s” since WWI ended in 1918 and WWII wasn’t until 1941 (US entry). (Source: The Dictionary for Cultural Literacy - What Every American Needs to Know) Perhaps the poster was thinking of the GI Plan which helped discharged soldiers go to college?

Thank goodness the election is almost here.

[This message has been edited by Kryswyn (edited 10-28-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pwynnnorman:
…Who needs to pulverize some poor animal in the woods?..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you sure you really mean that? Isn’t that the same argument anti-fox-hunters have?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>…And yet even the most basic controls can’t be established over guns that no one really needs…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No one really “needs”? Why should you decide what one needs? (Note: This argument could be applied to many “personal” issues…)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>…I’d happily compromise on the gun issue: hand guns by special permit and rifles without restriction…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why make the distinction? A double-barreled shotgun can do WAY more damage than a .32…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>…But the power of special interest groups (a topic of discussion that seems to be being ignored here) is too strong to enable even such simple restrictions to gain any headway at all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You’re right. Which is why I can’t stand behind groups such as the NRA who take an “all or nothing” stance.

I went to a show as a child with my hunter, and she kept spooking at the walkers and saddlebreds. They look so uncomfortable. So do the riders.

Just wanted to say that I have found this thread to be very enjoyable reading! Thanks to everyone for being (mostly) polite and having a (mostly) intelligent discussion.

I am very interested to see how this election turns out. Supposedly voter turnout was very impressive here in Maryland this A.M. It would be nice to see a lot more people vote this time around! There’s a positive-sounding story on cnn.com about turnout so far:


I still can’t belive this thread is 15 pages… wow…

[This message has been edited by Erin (edited 11-07-2000).]

“And taxes don’t just go away they get shifted somewhere else . . unfortunately if you cancel out a stream of revenues it doesnt just miraculously appear somewhere else . .”
Oh what a lovely quote, Clemson Rider - “Old Taxes don’t die, they just multiply”.
You know, I think our national government needs to do 3 things.

  1. Defend our nation if threatened.
  2. Maintain Highways.
  3. And maintain peace b/w states.

I think if we made local government far more important, we’d be soooo much better off.

Bush wants to tell me what to do with my body and morals.
Gore has his hand out for my taxes.
Neither really care about what I want. Hey, they don’t care about what you want either.

Yet, my city councilwoman:

  1. Returns my e-mails and phonecalls.
  2. Comes to my meetings, takes notes and acts.
  3. Cares what happens, because she lives within a few miles.
    Who should have more power in my life? Some rich $%$# who is bought off by corporations or my neighbor who was elected based on her beliefs and responsiveness? and could campaign with only a few dollars.
    Our country is too large and diverse to have such centralized leadership. What plays in Peoria doesn’t cut it in San Francisco. Unfortunatley, we don’t really have this choice, but hey- a girl can dream.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by astraled:
[B]Rockstar, that was the longest post I’ve ever seen . It was good though, LOL.

Everybody, please leave the abortion issue off the board; Erin asked really politely and I’m going to second the motion. [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes… well, like I said, I had written most of it already for another reason… it’s actually 3 1/2 pages non double spaced on Word! yikes! :open_mouth:

The problem is that people will probably not read it… and I feel that it is soooo important to read to understand how it really is in Washington and how it will really be should the republicans keep congress and get the presidency.

please read my long post if you can give it a few minutes!!

You know, Snowbird - do you really think Bush is genuine? Really? I look at it this way - Gore is promoting what Democrats always promote. Programs, programs and more programs. He seems like a reasonable voice for those of the democratic persuasion.
But what is up with Bush? He has the same programs as Gore has, only like 10% cheaper. He seems to be promoting democratic, not republican ideals. He certainly doesn’t seem to represent Republican ideals, so why is he running as a Republican? Could it be that he is pandering to the public? Can we get his beliefs signed on paper? Lordy, he sounds almost 100% like Gore.
I liked the quote- I don’t know who said it (maybe Nader?) - " The only difference b/w Gore and Bush is the velocity with which their knees hit the ground for corporate interests".
Republicans are fools - had they wanted to win this thing hands down, they’d only have needed to nominate McCain.

OK, Snowbird…my question still stands: how do you define a criminal?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pwynnnorman:
That’s what I meant, Erin. You can use a shotgun to protect you and yours, but you can’t walk into a Wendy’s with it to blow away some innocent strangers because your wife left you and you ran out of Prozac.

The Long Island Subway shooter had a plain ole 12 gauge which he took the time to reload while all the law-abiding citizens cowered on the floor. Too bad New York didn’t have a ‘right to concealed carry’ law.

In every state where a concealed carry law was passed, crime has gone down irrespective of other crime reducing factors. Florida’s murder rate dropped 37%.

What ever will you liberals talk about once the election is over? Oh Well just more of your usual. But if GB wins you will really be screaming, but oh well, it will be worth it. Then people can remember that the White House is a place of Honor and integrity. Jumphigh83, and snow bird, you are all right. God Bless America.

Oh no Smedley, if you have money, and are white, with Bush, the world is your oyster. (oh, you’d better be Christian too…)