BUSHvsGORE re:Horse Industry

The absolute funniest and most true political advertisement on the air is the Snickers commercial where the cartoon elephant and donkey are sitting on the guy’s shoulders.

Elephant: "Vote for me, my dad was president.

Donkey: “Well, my dad was a senator.”

Elephant: “People think I sound a lot like my dad.”

Donkey: “Well, I invented the internet.”

Elephant: “My mom thinks I look like my dad.”

And so on – If you have not seen it, it is absolutely hysterical, because it is (all too sadly) so true.

Also, regardless of your political beliefs, this really is funny for anybody who every read “Highlights for Kids” magazine:

[This message has been edited by Portia (edited 10-20-2000).]

“Ignorance is laudable compared to those who are willfully blind. Gore cares about education only because the NEA and the leftist teachers and administrators are his most affluent and vociferous constituency, made rich by the huge tax dollars they pocket at our expense while propagandizing our children and simultaniously dumbing them down enough for the eventual socialist take over of our consitutional government. Perhaps your one of these leftist dupes.”

Yes, our teachers are just oh so rich. My goodness, they just run the country club these days…Why the top 3 amateur owner hunters in the country are owned by 3rd grade teachers.
My mother was a teacher. She retired with a masters in education and 30 years of experience. She made less than my brother who is a writer in marketing for an internet company and has only 1 year of experience. So please, teachers are too busy paying basic expenses like housing and food to give big contributions to Al Gore.

How about Buchanan? Nobody seems to be cheering for him! Has anyone heard his radio ads? (If he’s on TV, I haven’t seen it) They’re so over-the-top I thought it was a parody at first. Just goes to show that getting to 5% does not necessarily garner you a functional party. I hope the Greens don’t self-destruct like this. It would help if our image improved: most see us as wacko vegans who haven’t washed our hair in five years. True, this is a significant portion of the party, but lots of us are regular, Cap’n Crunch-eating folks with good hygeine.

oops, I forgot to make a point. My point is, if you are a hunter, who likes to hunt, you may consider voting Gore, as Bush just may sell off your favorite hunting ground to the highest bidder. And then all you’ll be able to shoot are cans off your porch.
Remember, the NRA has a stronger lobby than your eco friends.

This is SO funny!! How can we not be embarassed by a Bush Presidency?

A friend, who is a Republican, told me today that she is voting for Gore. Her reasoning: with all the problems going on in the Middle East, she wants a President who can find that area on a map; remember world leaders names and pronounce them; and talk in complete grammatically correct sentences when representing us on the world stage! Not alot to ask in a President I’d say.

As the person who started this thread, let me restate the question: Which candidate is best for the horse industry?

Ahem… I don’t think anyone here is going to be able to CHANGE anyone else’s political thinking. Let’s just agree not to try to inflict OUR views on anyone else, and continue to have a rational, thoughtful discussion, please.

This thread got off to a very nice start. Please don’t turn it into something else by putting down what others find important. I’m willing to let this board tackle most any topic, but I think the pro-life/pro-choice issue is a little beyond our scope!

Thanks, from your token member of the liberal press…

This is just a random thought to think about…OK, it’s been established that the wealthy pay more in taxes. And, they probably get less benefits too.
What made me mad is how much more in taxes a childless couple pays than a couple with 2 kids. And this was not a poor couple. BOTH couples make $90,000 a year. I think it would help a lot if we stopped allowing children to be tax credits, if you want 'em, have 'em, but I’m sick of subsidizing them. I already pay enough for schools that all people do is &^%$# about. And the reason schools don’t work is not only the system, but the fact that parents aren’t doing their jobs in a lot of cases.
I’d love to see our government switch to a fee per use system - (no, it probably isn’t doable…) ~ You drive - pay a per mile road tax. You have kids, either pay a $3500 tax or send 'em to wherever, or educate them yourself. Want to go for a trailride on public land? $15.00 user fee.
Republicans can say all they want about not wanting socialism, but why are they offering up a plan for senior drug coverage? What about school vouchers? And we all know the democrats passion for programs.
Medical care, libraries, schools and the like are not rights. They are privliges.
I was going to vote Gore, simply because I like his “programs” more than the other guys. But really, I’m sick of “programs” and I’m really sick of subsidizing others. Both of these jerks are saying the same thing… they just claim their programs are better than the other.
Our founder’s would roll over in their graves to see this sorry state of affairs. Everybody has their dirty little paws out for MY money and I’ve about had it. Remember, government funded means YOU are funding it with your money that could be better spent elsewhere.
Sorry for the rant, but I read a rather depressing article in our paper featuring their “programs” ~ which were very similar in cost and outcome.

pwnn - First of all, I don’t even think our government should be involved with the abortion issue. There shouldn’t even be laws for or against it. What ticks me off about the whole issue of abortion, is that the tax payers money is given to the abortion clinics to perform these “procedures.” There’s not enough private enterprises out there to support abortions alone, so who better to call on for help…the Federal Government!!! So now, our government has to be everything to everybody except the God fearing MAJORITY in this country.
Two major differences in the democratic party. Remember Kennedy’s speech? Something like this…“Ask NOT what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” The democratic party today is totally opposite. And the only way the democrats can survive is by offering program after program to the ones that whine the loudest. Plus, I firmly believe the the democrats are the author of “class envy”.
Our Federal Government was NEVER supposed to be like it is today. And thanks to the democrats, it continues to grow.

Please consider joining Hobson’s Revolutionary Party. This morning, while shopping for new sisal rope to repair my kitties’ climbing tower, I recruited a base constituency of five suburban soccer moms who don’t shave their armpits. Please help me expand my influence, and victory over the beige houses will be ours.

Smedley (?)–LOL about the election day thing. I have heard it before, but that made my afternoon.

To make ya’ll happy, I am officially announcing my candidacy for presidency, and I ask that Inverness write my speeches, and we’ll all go riding afterwards. We CAN be elitest Democrats! Heehee

Puh-lease, people, for all of you who are throwing around “the Christian Coalition protects our MORALS” type of lines, might I remind you about the Separation of Church and State? Take their phrase “in God we trust” and think about it–it does NOTmean, “believe in OUR God or leave,” it means that we have a faith, and at this moment we are using God to represent that faith. It doesn’t insult me, as an atheist, to read that on currency, because I know that it does not carry the connotation of a forced religion. I am slightly irked, however, when I read how people twist ANY government document to fit their own purposes.

I am slightly concerned about any candidate who cannot use nouns and verbs in the correct locations in a sentence, on a consistent basis. An occasional slip-up is ok, sure, I understand, but enough slips of the tongue to take up pages and pages? That’s pushing it.

OK, I think I’m mostly done for now, but I love this thread! Just wait 'till AFTER the election… he he he I am off DisneyWorld, so must go pack.

PS, for goodness sakes, Al Gore NEVER said he INVENTED the Internet! Read the quote, it is quite different…people twist it all around to sound like he said “I created it,” when in fact, he said nothing of the sort. You have to take a quote in context, not just listen to it once and decide. (However, I’ll be a little hypocrite here and say that those “W” quotes are darn funny! )

Somebody watch the Daily Show for me.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
You are RIGHT! they are abhorant and we are next. I did not praise the system where “millions of jews perished” I said that’s where we are heading! And not just jews died but ANYONE who didnt agree with Hitler was also exterminated. Jews had no corner on the death market. Most of my great uncle died because of their beliefs (anti Hitler) and so did a great Aunt who dies in childbirth because she was “too old” to bear any more children for the fatherland so she was allowed to die. I HAVE been to the history books and better than that I have heard first hand the horrors of what it is like to give up your personal freedoms to the government. So keep up the good work all you liberals and do vote for Billious (Algore) and (in NYS) Hillarious and then if we are allowed to have opinions on BBs (NOT) I’ll be the first to tell you all about how WRONG you were. Have a nice day. (don’t get a rash from the bark!)
And Heidi, since you are not an American citizen, your interest in our politics would be…??? I guess you just don’t want the neighborhood to deteriorate too much when America becomes the United American Socialist Republic. Might make the Canadian dollar evenweaker than it already is.

[This message has been edited by Jumphigh83 (edited 11-05-2000).][/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’m not certain which country you live in Jumphigh - Croatia, Rwanada; certainly not the U.S. If the criteria to stridency is the number of deaths in one’s family - sweetie, I probably win.

My interest in American politics is mostly a sociological one - it is forever an interesting, not to mention an amusing, exercise to witness otherwise sane people revert to all the ugly stereotypes that Canadians have always suspected a few Americans were capable of. But as someone who gets a job offer (yes, stealing those jobs away from all of you deserving Yankees) from a U.S. company every couple of months, I thank god, allah, whomever, that we remain steadfastly in our rather sane, innocuous, rational little country.

Gun control…diffinitely Gore!

Someone else said neither was too bright. Well, would YOU like to be president of this country???

[This message has been edited by wtywmn4 (edited 10-20-2000).]

Inverness, you’ve won me over. Ivins for president, Nader for vice president. It’s about time we had a woman running the show.

Well put, Janet.

An item of random interest: the phrase “to sweat like a pig” is a funny one, since pigs don’t sweat.

LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Made my day!


Have a nice day!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by spfarm:
Just a thought for you who plan on having no kids. Who’s going to take care of you when you get old if you have no kids? Answer…someone else’s kids.
Kids are a good thing!

Personally, I can’t think of a worse (or more selfish) reason for having kids than merely to ensure that someone will be around to take care of me.

[This message has been edited by Inverness (edited 10-23-2000).]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snowbird:
[B] how dumb is so dumb they don’t know how they get pregnant?


I’ll tell you how “dumb,” Snowbird. My mother taught inner-city high school kids for 35 years. “Dumb” is the girl whose parents were fundamentalist christians who didn’t believe in saying ANYTHING about sex, including how to say “no” to it. “Dumb” is the 13 year old girl from the wrong side of town who didn’t even associate the act of intercourse with pregnancy.

In many cases, we’re talking about ignorance, not lack of intelligence. Please get off of your sanctimonious high horse and take a look at the real world.

[This message has been edited by Gryphon (edited 10-27-2000).]