Business As Usual

Here’s a l![](nk to a photo of the infamous Elk Creek Ranch on Glen Hope Road in Oxford, Pa.:


Gill horses banned at Penn until further notice:

He knows what he is doing. He is using the old reverse phycology.[/QUOTE]

Oh I know. It just blows my mind that he would even try to pull that over on anyone who knows anything about racing.

[QUOTE=Little Hound;4641653]
Gill horses banned at Penn until further notice:[/QUOTE]



Don’t get too excited. Penn is just responding to the public. They’ll allow him back in after establishing a bunch of “changes”.

They’ll come back and say the necropsys showed nothing. Too bad you can’t see shock wave on a dead horse.

It’s just nice to see SOMETHING being done. Even if it’s short lived.
I realize he’s slimy enough to skate out of this issue like he has all the others, but it’s nice to see someone standing up to him, even if it’s only for a couple days.

Don’t get too excited. Penn is just responding to the public. They’ll allow him back in after establishing a bunch of “changes”.

They’ll come back and say the necropsys showed nothing. Too bad you can’t see shock wave on a dead horse.[/QUOTE]

You hit the nail on the head, Dick. That is why Gill proudly proclaims he hasn’t had any bad tests, and dares Penn officials to test the dead horses.

Well, there you have it horsemen and gamblers: talked to three older riders who are based there, and they’re having second thoughts when it comes to riding races with his horses," Black said. “They’ve not ridden good races, and they realize they haven’t, because they wouldn’t tuck in behind those horses in the blue and white Gill colors—and it makes good sense not to tuck in behind them when they’re breaking down like that.”

Thoroughbred Times article

surprise surprise…if Penn National revokes Gill’s stalls…what’s he going to do?file and anti-trust lawsuit and sue them for all they’re worth…the poor horses that belong to this guy are breaking down left and right and endangering other horses and jockeys on the track and whats he have to say? “Well,I bet you that percentage wise i have less than the average for breakdowns and these are all cheap claimers”…if you ask me this is a bunch of garbage and this guy needs to be banned

His last statement in the article, that he’s lost millions of dollars and a marriage in the process of building his “dynasty” is either an indictment of his bad practices (who would continue to lose millions without calling it a day??) or a reason to delve further into his win at any cost attitude. What, exactly, does he think he’s contributing to TB racing?

The fact that he’s gone through so many trainers and so many veterinarians attests to the fact that it’s NOT SUPERIOR TRAINING that gets his horses into the winner’s circle. And it’s NOT SUPERIOR TRAINING and expert horsemanship that finds so many in the pit. So what is it Mr. Gill? You have a magic wand?

Clearly the man has no hubris. He blusters about being blackballed and the subject of jealous horsemen (you know, the ones who are honest and care about their horses and play by the rules, stupid fools that they are) and threatens legal action against the jurisdictions that expose him for what he is: a cheater. Boo hoo Mr. Gill. The tears shed are for your doomed horses, the dashed hopes of players on your field and everyone who takes a hit because you refuse to give it up and go into a business that is more suited to your greed and callousness. You’d probably be a good pimp, and I hear there’s good money in that too.

Article in the The Patriot-News

Not only is he threatening to sue Penn, he’s threatening the Jockeys’ Guild as well. He’s like a small child pitching a fit. If he doesn’t get his way he threatens everybody and everything around him. Pathetic.

I’ve stayed out of this one as others clearly have better information than I’m privy too; it is nice to see SOMETHING being done.

Here’s a nice quote from the Bloodhorse article:

“The horse that broke down (Jan. 23) was sound; he had just won the race before,” Gill said. "I’ll show you his vet records. He’d never been ‘tapped.’ Maybe the track was a little hard; that’s part of winter racing when you’re running at a track in January where it’s raining, snowing, and freezing, too.”

To which, I think the only appropriate response is “Guh?” Sure. Must be the track.

I have a hard time figuring out where he’s going with an antitrust lawsuit, but I’m sure he can afford a lawyer who will find a reason.

I saw that quote too and thought that if he thought there was something wrong with the track he should have scratched his horse and stayed home. That is what a real horseman would do, not just send him out anyway and hope for the best. So even if that BS excuse were true its still a check in the asshat column.
Oh yeah, he is a lawyer. That is why he jumps to the lawsuit anytime he feels like it. I hope they fry the bastard.

Right Laurie. I love the many implications in that quote- that it’s (a) not his fault, it’s the track. That (b) that it’s (what is the it? Potentially deadly track surface? The breakdown? Which is the ‘it’ exactly?) ‘part of winter racing’…

So… why wouldn’t you go to another track? The answer to that is fairly obvious to anyone who’s been following this saga. Why wouldn’t you scratch your damn horse? I really hope that his less-than-thoughtful statements to the media are scrutinized carefully by knowledgeable folks should this end up in a court somewhere.

Back under my rock to see how this unfolds.

It will be interesting to see how Penn National / Penn Gaming reacts to this mess. They got a lot of pressure mounting and it will be next to impossible to come back and say “We have a plan to fix the problem.” Especially since Mr. Gill basically said he was told to fire Darrell D for PR reasons from Penn. If that is the case then Penn has a lot of 'splaining to do because either Gill is lying about Darrell or them asking him to do that is an unprecedented move by a racing company.

The Paulick Report thread was closed. While Ray had warned folks late this evening to stop name calling or else I wonder if Gill’s legal threats reached down to Kentucky and gave Ray cold feet.

A fact of life is that people do hush up when threats of suits come into play.


That is because the reality of this sport is that there are people who run racetracks on Mr. Gill’s side and those that are not, could face repercussions. You point out a very sad, but true topic. What were the posts referring to? Were they between horseman?

Dick I’m not sure if Ray was being cautionary because some were tossing out other culprits by name and effectively derailing the discussion, due to Gill being called certain names, or calls from Gill to put a lid on it. It could be a combination of all three even.

Clearly some participants to that topic were very much in the know there at Penn and I suspect at least one or more persons were Gill-friendly and trying to redirect comments.

Maybe Ray simply put a hold on the debate until further news is released for tomorrow’s “edition”. Obviously with the TB Times, DRF, BloodHorse and some regional paper’s picking up on this it is a story with momentum and interest. As such I cannot see why he’d buckle now. With over 190 posted remarks and easily 20 times that in traffic alone today just to that page this type of topic is why Ray started his website…

Wow. Was just over there and realized a sad fact. His editorial about Zenyatta and Rachel Alexandra had less posts over 2 days than the Gill story over 19 hours. I guess that’s rather sad.

I read some of the posts, but don’t really see why it was shut down. In most cases, the people who were named, were named on multiple occasions by different people and it looks like Layne Giliforte, who has lost a bunch of horses to Gill on purpose via the claim box, stood up for himself quite well. Wonder who Crybaby is?

Anyway, by this time next week there will be surely more to talk about, but I don’t expect much more to happen until Penn issues their edict later this week.

There are 4 stories to follow here:

1.) What will Penn do about Michael Gill and his entries when the riders will not accept any “middle ground” agreement?

2.) What will Penn Gaming do with management at Penn in light of Gill’s comments that he was told to fire Mr. Delahoussaye to keep his stalls ? Who said that to Mr. Gill and why?

3.) How will Penn handle this knowing they’ll have a $100 milllion lawsuit in their lap on Monday morning?

4.) Where is the PA Racing Commission in all of this? Isn’t it their role to make sure that Penn Gaming is acting as good stewards in the sport of racing?

But perhaps the biggest story will be how Penn Gaming will try to massage the statistics in an effort to keep Gill’s name in good standing. I believe they’ll attempt to say that “Gill hasn’t broken down more than anyone else” and their facts will be based on the number of horses who do not make it onto the ambulance alive rather than the ones who are essentially broken down but get onto the van.