CA Clique Redux

AA Jumper: I am sure you’ll have plenty of interviews. Monstors is a good source. There’s also as well.

I’ll email you separately about a couple of things regarding environemntal engineering that I was referring to.

Glad to here that Cypress is in good form. I love gymnastics they are just great.

Elizabeth: I appreciate the belated curb chain jingling!

Suave, thanks for the Thread. It was a hoot. You should be proud, as the originator.

It has been kinda tough for me, being 3000 miles from home, but this thread has made me feel all comfy among my new CA friends. Yay for new friends and funny-funny memories of the CA Redux thread. I’ll see you on the next one. . . .

He will greet you. Perhaps on a non-plumed day, but he will be there with proverbial bells and such.

Well. The locals are once again the guinea pigs for the big show people. Show Park has put all new footing in the rings, and let me tell you, it is SLIPPERY AS SNO? ! On Friday I lounged a horse for about five minutes and four strides after he picked up a CANTER, not a gallop, down he went. Tore the shoulder muscles and stifle, so he came home with me that night.

The count is now up to six that have gone down, but only a couple in the show rings. It is the warm ups that are dangerous. So, good luck to everyone that is going to Tournament of Champions next weekend.

Pretty big local show, as usual for the Show Park shows. It is really such a nice facility and the office staff has been pretty pleasant. Now that the rain and the WIND has stopped, tomorrow will be a better day!

Beezer, looks like that particular bar thing was a false alarm. We drank at the same bar, but unfortunately several years apart. But it’s very scary when you think about all the co-inky-dinkies.

All we need is Kevin Bacon and we’re set!

elizabeth every thing will work out. I have been on a roller coaster ride similar to the one you are on with Buster. It will work out, I would hope the barn you are talking about would be understanding of the situation. If they can’t take you they might know of another barn for you. Hang int there, have a Margarita.

You’re an adult, he’s an adult, and I’m assuming you are both experienced.

You said you recoiled at his first warm kiss. So give him a signal that you are ready for the relationship to progress to the physical. If HE recoils, maybe the man is gay or doesn’t find you thrilling. If that’s the case, knowledge sooner than later is better.

After all, reaching for his hand in a particularly moving moment in the opera is not the same as grabbing for his lap.

Sheesh, whatever happened to liberated women and equality of the sexes. You sound like you were born the fifties, not the seventies.

You are WOMAN, hear you roar!

Tux, the right horse is waiting for you…he’s out there and eventually you will find each other!

I got an email from the HR person of the company I interviewed with, asking me to call her…the manager of the office told me that they wanted to discuss an offer package with me! I’m dying of curiosity now! I’m gonna slip out of here and go to Starbucks soon and call her on my cell phone. That means I will actually have to make a decision…aaaahhh!!!

Merry, I almost thought I was going to have to take a call from the potential new boss while I was taking my lesson! I called him from my cell phone en route to the barn and left a message. As I got closer and closer to the barn, I was thinking “OMG, I am going to have to ride around the arena w/my cell phone waiting for this guy to call…what if the phone rings right in the middle of riding through the gymnastic???”

Oh, hi Jeff…(huff puff huff puff)…no…I’m not jogging…yes, sorry it took so long for me to answer but Cypress got a little strong after the gymnastic and…oh can you hold on??? (aside) Can someone please help me get take off these spurs…thanks… Sorry Jeff…what did you say about an offer??? These Thorougbreds…they can be SO HOT!!!

Wow! If the whole cult is coming to razz Merry while she judges, Beezer just might have to make the road trip too … though, no, wait. She has to go back to that same place the next day to ride in the jumpers! (Which, she hastens to point out, Merry will NOT be judging, just merely laughing at her beloved sister as she struggles to contain the hot tamale pinto WB mare. )

…and frosted grapes and palm fronds!

so sorry, I lost one at the age of 20, that I had helped birth. There was more involved–imagine broodmare 3weeks from being due, finding her in the morning with a swollen hind ankle–think----She blew out her suspensary–SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT!!! Get vet out, he agrees about the suspensary idea, but had x-rays taken anyway.

Does anyone know what a marbelized fracture is???

Picture leg, then a bag of gravel, then hoof.

DANG!!! I was just going to post a silly reply comparing redux to reflux…

To make a long/sad story short, we maintained the pregnancy, and delivered a foal that was beautiful–one more problem–she was braindead because the placenta detatched during the birthing process–she actually took a breath, but her shoulders hadn’t passed yet. I pulled out a baby that still had a heartbeat, but…

Once again weeble, I’m sooo sorry…

MHM is thanking her lucky stars that: A.)Her sister is no longer involved in horses, and B.)Noone is posting the contents of her tackroom, thus exposing her assorted collections of foibles!

The year is 1969. (Sorry AA Jumper…I’m working myself upto the millenium! LOL!) They were the star of the show in Monterey

Name Horse and Rider

picture to follow

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 06, 2001 at 11:51 PM.]

Thank you everyone for all of their warm wishes. Africa is settling in nicely. I have pictures and no scanner, otherwise I would post them. Alas, the super-computer arrived from Dell today (with scanner/color printer) but my husband left for a business trip until next thursday and I am too: a. unqualified, b. lazy or c. petite (take your pick) to hoist everything out of its box. I have my first lesson tommorrow since her arrival(Africa conquers jumping!) so do a little jingling for me.

Elizabeth- Congratulations! May your amore continue his romancing for a LONG time.

Merry & Beezer- Good luck at the show!

SCHOOLING SHOWS- Also, if any of you know of any little CHEAP Hunter/Jumper schooling shows within a 50 mile radius of LA, please let me know here or via e-mail. I’m talking like ETI shows, or the stuff they have at Galway Downs (too far for a schooling show for me)…shows where you don’t have to pay hefty non-member fees, haul-in fees, etc.

Oh … you’re not THAT Alf. Sorry … we Californians tend to have a one-track star-seeking mind.

Re the selling of the clients’ horses … yup, this trainer was rather infamous for that. One of Merry’s and my trainers waaaaaaay back in our junior/younger amateur years got one of that trainer’s clients once after she went to court and got her horse back. She renamed him Grand Theft, because that’s what the trainer was going to be charged with. I can’t remember, though, if RF ever actually was; Merry might. But she did have to sue and go to court to get the horse back.
Amazing but true.

Wow AA! That’s some injury. Did your hat fly off? Honestly, I know this may sound foolish, I hate to have that strap around my chin (If i were in jumpers, I would most likely feel differently). The height I have been jumping is just a little under 3 feet and so far I have been lucky not to have taken too many falls What are those type of helmets that have the stripe in the middle? Are they better than the traditional?

When I was in the hospital for knee surgery, I kept asking for Demerol rather than underwear I should have just had Rusty’s margaritas

Oh A/A, ummm, can I get you to come north and help me in our backyard??? Once done I will take you for a lovely tour of the vineyards, and of course tasting. We are putting in sod, and ripping out an old deck. Now, if that isn’t doable, can we please have suomo toddler for, lets see, about 2 weeks? Promise to take wonderful care of him, and feed him strawberries, fish tacos, chalupas, but no wine!!

Okay, where’s elizabeth??? Wty tapping her fingers, wanting every detail! Hmmm, this may be a very good sign!

Remember Herbert Lom Inspector Clouseau’s boss in the old Pink Panther series? He developed a few nervous ticks the more he dealt with Clouseau. I could do that…the longer the interview goes on with the shrink more ticks I could develop

Sounds like a plan

Merry, what is the likelihood that you already have said eggbutt snaffle? (I refuse to believe that you do not have about 12 of them. Every horse owner has a stash of eggbutt snaffles. Fat ones, thin ones, 5", 5 1/2", 5 1/4", etc.)

But, if you need to buy an eggbutt snaffle to assuage the trauma of yesterday’s transitions learning experience, I understand. I would advise, however, FINDING an eggbutt snaffle that you likely already have in your tack room and spending the money that you would have spent on the bit on a nice, new, spring color polo shirt for your riding pleasure.

Bumpkin, it’s hell when they make all sorts of banana slobber, isn’t it? Worse than Apple Froth.