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What are you emailing her about? Grass has plenty of Vit E in almost all places

How old is your guy? He may simply need a protein boost that the grass isn’t giving enough of. If he’s > 15 I would test him for PPID as well, in Sept or Oct.

Not that I owe you an answer, LOL but he was on hay for months while pastures recovered and is just now on grass. I would like to hear from the owner of the supplement company.

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It would be worth testing to know if his levels are low or not. If so, definitely more beef to the complaint and data to back up the issue.

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Yikes, sorry I asked :\ I was curious what the situation was that prompted you to email. You edited your comment to include a whole lot of info that, had it been there, wouldn’t have prompted me to ask. You don’t even say you have a tested low bloodwork, so I don’t know what it is you expect from her.


Hey hey!! @JB


I know I added it, it’s obvious I added it, hence the wee little pencil.

I will be testing him, I am curious, and I appreciate JB’s suggestion to test him for PPID. I get tired of JB being all knowing on all things sometimes, and it showed. I’ll accept that I showed my ass, because I did.


JB, thank you for being willing to share your wisdom all these years. Sometimes I almost quit visiting this forum because of lots of dumbness, but then I remember that we have good posters like you.


Very much agreed!! The commitment to sharing science based info on nutrition really helped (and continues to help) keep me up to speed coming back into horse ownership as an adult, and is very much appreciated.


Interesting to hear this. My gelding lives in a dry lot, and has been getting CT Plus for a few years with good results, although I haven’t tested for Vitamin E. Recently he has been showing some mild neuro signs (vet has come, eval’d, pulled blood for neuro testing, waiting for results, yada yada yada). When I came here for info on Lyme, EPM, other neuro issues I came across this thread and then went and read Rachel’s posts.

Adding 4000IU supplemental Vitamin E now.


Ah geez. I’m sorry to hear all that :disappointed:

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@FjordBCRF - thank you! :yellow_heart:

Honestly, I would love nothing more than to find out this was just a lack of Vitamin E. On the scale of potential issues, this would be a cheap and easy fix.

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I don’t disagree!

I’ve been curious if anyone knows, how long does it take to deplete a healthy level of vitamin e?

I have seen references to being able to manage on stored Vit E for about 4 months, which is also assuming they had “full” storage coming off grass.

But that also depends on just how much E is in the grass they’re eating, and assumes they’re getting enough grass every day over the whole growing season.

Good to know thanks! Im really glad I got the heads up on this with him testing low. I get the 160 day supply which makes me curious how far back these bioavailability issues go :grimacing: Hard to tell in my case with this being the first time Ive had the bloodwork done.

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So are we wanting to avoid Cal Trace for now? I was just starting researching switching my horses from Triple Crown RB to a more grain free option and the Cal Trace seemed like the right choice for my herd. From the screenshot reply from the company it seems like they would be fixing whatever the Vit E problem ends up being? We currently have grass but will be switching to hay for the winter

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Personally, since I have the better part of a 40 lb bag I am continuing to feed that and supplement additional Vitamin E. It sounds like they should have some info back in a few weeks on the testing so my plan is to see what the issues are and what they are doing about it. If they can get it sorted by the time I need to reorder, I will. I will also continue testing levels for a while though to be safe. If they can’t get it sorted out, I will switch to something else similar.

If you’re needing supplemental Vit E, it’s cheap to add separately. Or, there are a couple of other forage balancers that contain E. KIS Trace and Arizona Copper Complete have higher levels, but also bring other things to the table you might not want, like Manganese

Or, stay on the TC for now, and consider CT after all this is resolved.

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Is there a Vit E supplement you would recommend? Having some FWS issues with one of my mares so really looking to take her off of grain and see if that helps

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microIngredients is a 1200IU gelcap for about $.07 per, available at Walmart or Amazon and probably other places.

UltraCruz Natural E, powder and pellet, is the cheapest I know of for those forms, at around $.13/1000IU