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Can someone please assess this horse's conformation? (in detail)

Thanks for you perspective!

Ok here is my opinion. Am not getting into domestic vs blm. They both have good and bad points.

Experience - years doing competitive judging including winning world titles. Have been riding and showing now for 20 plus years, have done breeding and raising on my own successfully. Also dad was a farrier so used to looking at feet and legs

First horse I kinda like. He seems like one that would be good as a working horse - checking fences, maybe cattle, that sort of thing. He might be a bit of a rough ride based on his kinda straight shoulder. Hard to see legs but no red flags for me on straightness. His balance is ok - not great but not horrible. His hocks do sit out behind him but he can bring them under him when stopping. While his neck is thick and short it ties in at a spot that allows him to use it effectively.

Second horse use is just a no for me. First thing is the legs. You can’t get a perfect look at them but the way he moves ( wings out) tells me they aren’t straight. Also he is very weak in the pasterns. They almost touch the ground when he moves. They will not stand up to stress over time. Also they are at a completely different angle from his shoulders. They should match. While his pasterns are over angles his shoulder is extremely straight putting more pounding on his lower leg and on your back as he would be a very rough ride. Not as important but worth noting when comparing the two horses. This one has a longer back and a very straight croup. Also with how his neck comes out he won’t me able to use it as effectively. It is kinda stuck in that position. The other horse has more options on how he can use it

Thanks for your response!

It’s clear you have MOUNTAINS more experience than I do, and I value your input.

I came across an article last week (which I can’t find now) that said that, actually, horse pastern and shoulder angles don’t have to be the same. I wish I had it now, but I’d be interested in hearing why you think it’s important that they do if you don’t mind explaining that.

If you are close to Burns, Oregon, do contact Andi Harmon, the lady that wrote the book on those feral horses there, that has worked with them for decades and will be able to help you more than anyone else possibly could:


You want an expert opinion on those horses, she is that expert.

You can find that book on amazon.


I posted a new thread with a different mustang to analyze; you seem quite busy on these forums, want to lend your opinion on this one? I’m trying to be less of an indignant amateur this time :wink:
