Sorry, phrased it wrong. I meant that on other boards that I have browsed through the majority of posters seem to be men with strictly male points of view. Having a political thread with mainly woman posters seemed nicer–at least to me.
Not singling you out, but the argument of “none of the other forums have been shut down!” is hilarious if you remember when COTH took away Sport Horse Breeding in the midst of the warmblood wars.
Who is Kathy S? Not me. I’d give my real name if I didn’t think this forum was full of vindictive creepiness towards conservatives. Incidentally, I never complained to the mod. Not my style.
Seems pretty clear to me, if it isn’t your cup of tea don’t go there. Ever hear the saying “Not my circus, not my monkeys”? I’m not bitching, I am pointing out its a self created problem. The Mods do not want drama, ok then create rules and consequences for breaking the rules that are consistently handed down. That has not been the case. The game has been for certain posters to push and troll until someone snaps, then the pusher cries foul to the Mods and gets the person who snapped booted off. Rarely is the pusher addressed for the behavior that caused the drama in the first place. This is literally high school or middle school. The bully pushes a kid hard enough to fight back and the kid getting bullied gets into trouble. Its not a productive way to handle things. I can think of only one time a person got booted and it was for incessantly crying foul so many times I think the Mods got tired of it but that was the exception.
Are you serious? Everyone who hated Trump was nice to one another, joined in common unity. Those who had opposing POV’s were subject to severe personal attacks, where their childhoods, intelligence and backgrounds were questioned and derided. It was nothing short of a war zone for conservatives.
Dude, just STOP. COTH can moderate this forum however they like. YOU don’t like it? Don’t visit. They can shut down forums, posters, topics, the WHOLE THING at their WHIM. They don’t even need a reason, but posters have certainly offered up a whole boatload for the current actions. How you perceive the “fairness” of it is 100% immaterial. It’s not yours. You can choose to participate or not but you don’t get a say in how it’s run because it’s not yours.
It is THEIR THING. Theirs. You don’t like it? Then create your own, with rules that you think are fair.
OT is closed time to move on already.
OMG. That makes me laugh. To you the “pushers” and “bullies” are the people who have alternative POV’s that you don’t want to hear so you justify the personal attacks on them as OK because they don’t fit into your worldview. So it’s OK to try to pound those people’s self esteem into the dust because they aren’t “one of you.” Fascist much?
I started reading that political thread a few weeks ago, but the overwhelming constant was the personal attacks received by people who didn’t hate Turmp. Maybe the thread should have been titled Trump bashers Unite, not a political thread… then you wouldn’t have had conservatives dropping by now and then. Just a tip…
My view is personal attacks are the last resort of people who are too lazy and/or mentally incompetent to argue policy, ideas and reasoning behind actions in world events. They prefer to cast overwhelmingly bigoted statements over whole groups of people and walk away thinking they are the broad minded ones. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
You might have not read my last post on the political thread then. Asking for civility after cheering Trump’s lack of civility toward people you don’t agree with…how does that work exactly?
I do believe you are one of the reasons we lost this forum.
'Thanks a bunch
Wow, this looks is just like the OT forum.
I miss OT too. I had an idea I wanted to share, but OT is gone, so I’ll post it here…
I watched a documentary about WW1. It was about the arial photography of WW1. In it, they had a movie taken after the war was over, that showed the French and Belgian countryside from the air.
The level of destruction was horrific. The entire countryside and all the towns were completely flattened by the shelling. Millions of people died. Then 20 years later WW2 began, and Europe faced the horror again.
What struck me is that many people in our country don’t believe in the idea of a social safety net the way the European countries do. Watching that WW1 documentary helped me understand why.
Europe has experienced so much destruction and senseless death and destruction that they now have an advanced perspective of the value of life.
America has not had the same kind of up close and personal death and destruction war experience that Europe has had. At least not in the 20th century.
It also occurred to me how different and uplifting much of European and British television and movies are compared to America’s.
It seems that every American film made in the present revolves around using some type of violence to solve a problem.
I think many Americans now think in terms of “destroying problems with violence”.
The Europeans don’t think that way because they’ve learned that the violence of the past wars solved nothing, and only created worse human suffering.
We Americans need to wake up, and stop trying to fix our problems by seeing people as enemies that need to be battled and beaten.
If we Americans continue on this path no-one will “win” anything… just like no one really “Won” anything but horror and death out of those world wars.
What is WRONG with you?
This sort of behavior got a whole forum closed down, so you just bring it to another one?
It felt important.
That was my last one.
There’s a piece in the LATimes today about how Facebook has some sort of an algorithm that determines whether a poster has “trustworthiness.” It’s supposed to be part of their efforts to weed out 'foreign hackers." Wish I knew the determiners for that. I’d apply it in my real life.
COTH has a rule that if you want to post something alleging ‘criminal’ acts - you have to use your real name. That’s a pretty good rule … imho.
I was reading my insurance policy a while ago. Lo and behold … I am insured if someone sues me for something I say on the Internet. Who knew? This opens all sorts of possibilities. I imagine that has to be about a horse. But still!!
COTH could try banning certain adjectives. You know words like ‘stupid,’ 'low-IQ," etc. etc. Course, that would take the fun out of it wouldn’t it?
COTH could also consider a ‘liability waiver’ if you join the group. You can’t sue COTH if your feelings get hurt or someone says your horse sucks.
If you look at the OT forum like a dinner table … the old rule of no sex, politics or religion could apply. Borrrrring!
I’m now looking at this thread as akin to detox. Those of us that just had to look in on or post about politics are going through withdrawal. I miss the political forum. But, I’m more bummed that I didn’t get to share my Christmas tree story.
I beg to disagree.
Social programs above normal government basic social ones are fought every day.
Several governments try to use the “we will be all dying in the streets again without them!” but plenty don’t believe them.
The ones that are for the over the top social giveaway programs, that take also so, so much from everyone, starting with self determination, are sold a bag of questionable goods, good PR at work.
It is easier for any government to govern when it has more rather than less resources on hand to do so, never mind that some of what the governments do with that money is a huge waste, privatization way more efficient, if not also without it’s own pitfalls.
See how those countries that went full hog on nationalized care are now saying they are going broke and seriously rationing and/or opening the door to some privatization of medicine to help with that.
I do basically agree with you that in the US people are willing to lose what they have to fulfill whatever cause of the moment drives them because they really don’t appreciate what we have, an extremely stable society that can take hits and still keep on going.
We may have demonstrations and riots and such, but in the end, the police and firemen are still going to work, streets get repaired, everyone’s lives are only mildly disturbed and most not at all.
Those that demonstrate against the government are not shot on the spot or the next day outside their prison or sent to a labor/concentration camp, as happened and is still happening today in other countries.
We should be very thankful for what we have, but it is human nature to keep striving for more, to think the grass is greener across fences, to want to go there at any cost, not realizing what the cost can become, as Europe lived thru for many decades and other parts of the world live with today, see Venezuela for one salient example.
Governing well is similar to moderating well, an art form and not everyone gets it, or appreciates it when they have it and will push and grumble and insist “it is someone else’s fault!” as if proving that is more important than taking a seat and re-thinking from all sides what really is happening, including our part on it when things don’t go right.
COTH forums reflect our society, many nice, easygoing posters and also includes those that are never content, if not contentious of nature.
That is why we have rules and, being a public forum, should not try to make this our own pulpit, which I think is one reason certain parts were closed.
Lets try to “live and let live”, in the broadest sense by, as the rules ask of posters, being civil, even when we would rather not be.
I think that would go a long way to help keep the forums running well.
At least that is my 2c worth, since this thread seems to be permitted to stay open, for now.
This thread has effectively demonstrated why we’re giving the OT forum a timeout.