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Can't ride in dressage saddles

Can you point me to where you see this butet saddle for sale? I’ve scoured the internet and found a 15.5 kids butet dressage that looks close contact and 1 pic of a 2007 saddle bit the link is no longer working. All the others seemed to be in Europe or Australia. I’m from the USA Midwest.

This is brand new, but I have seen and bought them used for much much less.


It took me a long time to figure out how to ride in a dressage saddle. My favorite jump saddle was a Beval Devon 2000 with only a small pencil roll. I really like riding the the Voltaire Adelaide dressage saddle. It is a monoflap saddle. It does not have a huge knee block. I have ridden in 3 different ones. All have been a little different. I ride in a 17 inch jump saddle and an 18 inch Voltaire. Oddly enough I am on the shorter side 5’3 or 5’4 on a tall day. 2 of the 3 Voltaires I have ridden in have a long flap including the one I currently own. I am not sure why a long flap doesn’t interfere with my feel but it is comfortable.
I feel that yoga has really helped my core and that has helped my riding.

I was going to yoga once a week in person. In the beginning of January I started a 30 day challenge: MOVE Yoga with Adriene. I will admit that I don’t think I could do the challenge if I had not been doing yoga before. That particular series is not where I would start as a total beginner. However I do think it has really helped with my posture, core, strength and flexiblity in a way that helps my riding in both a jump saddle and dressage saddle. Learning to ride in a dressage saddle had really helped with my jump position.

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Tad Coffin makes a dressage saddle that is sort of like his jump saddles just with a dressage flap. I had one that I really liked. The seat is not deep and the thigh block is not overly big either. You can find used ones occasionally. I bought mine used, seemed to fit the horses I used it on.

Dressage Saddles - Tad Coffin Performance Saddles — Tad Coffin Performance Saddles (tadcoffinsaddles.com)


I just found this article. My friend had a Stubben Romanus like this one and I loved it. An oldie but goodie.

Being able to SIT properly is dependent on the BALANCE of the saddle you are sitting on. Most people have never experienced a properly balanced saddle, so it’s no real surprise that they cannot sit in balance.

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I also ride H/J but had a really awesome dressage lesson in a Macel samba saddle.

Found the dream saddle. Macel samba s chazot, french saddle. It’s totally free of blocks or raised cantle. It’s a close contact with no bulk. Amazing saddle with grippy soft leather. Looks like a modern version of what they rode in during the 60s. It was hard to find and not super available in USA.

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Sold by this “Master” https://www.facebook.com/scienceofmotion/

I wasn’t able to get the butet, tried sagmae and they had 1 used tan butet they could mail from Canada, then I got a hold of a saddle fitter but she didn’t respond after my follow ups for an appointment. I ended up getting to try a Macel samba s chazot saddle last week and wow!!! Amazing! Flat close contact, even moreso than my hunt seat, no blocks whatsoever like it was 1960 yet lovely grippy leather and a modern look. It was love at first ride. Sitting the trot was easy without all the bulky stuff amplifying the bounce. Incredibly stable yet it’s so minamalist. I could feel my horse!
Finished my back tracings and the order is going in this week! It’s priced almost exactly like the butet.


awesome update!!

Got my dressage saddle but 10 months later it just sits unused. I strongly prefer my hunt seat and even used it at USDF finals. I gave up on dressage saddles completely and not looking back.


Sounds good to me. I am not built for modern-day dressage saddles and I don’t like all the blocks and deep seats anyway. Give me one like the old classic masters rode in and I might manage – the flatter and more open, the better!

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