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Cat has severe kidney failure - treatment options?

You are wonderful for taking in Coral and giving her a great home and love for an extra 10 months.

Kidney disease is a heartbreaker. I hate that so many kitties get it.

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Thought Iā€™d check and see how Dewey is doing.

Sammy is going to the vet Thursday for blood work. Itā€™s been six months since his thyroid was checked and heā€™s doing quite well, so we may as well go. Iā€™d like the vet to see him anyway just to make sure Iā€™m not missing something, like weight loss.


He has been doing well (knock wood!). Heā€™s eating like normalā€¦sometimes he eats the kidney food, sometimes he wants other food or his Temptations treats. I figure as long as heā€™s eating and he eats the kidney food most of the time, thatā€™s pretty good. With the weather being warmer, he has been wanting to go outside more. He has been pawing and bothering the other cats which he has always done. :laughing: Iā€™m still giving him fluids every day. He seems like heā€™s been feeling pretty good. The only signs of kidney disease that I have been seeing are he drinks more water and pees more than my other cats.

Iā€™m glad Sammy has been doing well! I hope this thyroid levels will be OK on the bloodwork. Can those levels improve if they are on medication?

Thanks for asking about Dewey! :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:


Good to hear he is eating and feeling well enough to be a pest. I hope he continues to feel good!!!
Give him a hug and Temptation from me!

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Iā€™m so glad Dewey is doing so well! Yay!!! We just have to enjoy our time with them while they are feeling well.

Yes, his thyroid has been normal on blood work since starting the methizamole. We just have to do periodic blood work to make sure they donā€™t need it increased.

The only cure for hyper thyroidism is the radioiodine treatment, methizamole treats the symptoms but the hyper t gets worse over time.

I donā€™t think the vet thought he would still be around to worry about it, but for now heā€™s doing good. :grin:


Let us know the results of Sammyā€™s blood work today. I hope his levels look good. We can just take it one day at a time but I hope we have a long time left with our sweet boys. :smiley_cat:

I will, but it wonā€™t be until next week. The vetā€™s father died and I rescheduled my appointment.

:frowning: Iā€™ll send a card to the office. Sheā€™s really sweet and good with the cats.