Cataracts, please, with sugar

Were you able to go to the symposium? How are your eyes doing?

dressage symposium was spectacular

I’m back from the symposium. It was INCREDIBLE!!! Karin Offield put together the best learning opportunity I have ever had the pleasure to attend.The instructors were presenting their best lessons.

I’ll write more about it tomorrow. Karin was quite concerned and caring about my eye problem. She made sure that I was in the thick of the inter-action among the instructors, riders and auditors. I used my better eye to watch and tried to ignore the blurry bad eye. I missed the subtle details of images, but got the bigger picture. I was exhausted from trying so hard by the end of each program day.

I wanted to ride, but the interaction was so good, and I was so involved in the group, that it was terrific. When she does another one, please plan on going.

Glad the symposium was INCREDIBLE ! You sound energized ~ Jingles continue for your eye.

Sure hope that your eye problem resolves soon! It’s so frustrating not to have correct vision… Have my fingers crossed for you to be all better SOON!:yes:

The eyeballs tackle mountain climbing

I went to 2 more eye surgeons to get some idea of what is wrong. Turns out that the fellow who did the surgery put a stitch in each eyeball. He tied them too tight. Instead of being round the shape was changed to a football. The topographical map of my eye looks like the Blue Ridge Mountains down the center line. :eek: No wonder finding X was so hard!

So, the new guy can fix them. This isn’t the fault of the restor lens, for those of you who are following this saga with bated breath.

I now know that it isn’t necessary to use stitches, so if you are thinking about cataract surgery, that is a useful thing to know.

The new guy arranged for me to have some instant temporary glasses made in 24 hours. I can now drive and ride. Unfortunately, now I can also see all the dust bunnies and the weeds in the garden, not to mention housecleaning…

I have to wait 3 more weeks for one eye to heal enough, then the stitch can be cut and the shape of the eyeball should settle back into a proper sphere. That will take another couple of weeks. Then the 2nd eye gets done. If I still have trouble, they can be tweaked with lazer.

I figure that by cub hunting I should be able to see well enough to jump more than one cavaletti sized log. I might even see the fox!

Yay Whicker! That’s really encouraging news! I hope the new surgeon sees you out of this mess asap.