Everybody is home and on the subdued side. Mary isn’t speaking to me at the moment; it will probably take a day or two for her to forgive me. I just hope I can remove stitches myself in 10-14 days and don’t have to haul them back. Removing them myself might be a challenge, but I think taking them back so soon would be harder on Mary particularly. For tonight, they are quiet, which is no doubt good. Big cats sniffing at them. I did take out the Temptations bag and shake it just as a test. Yes, they’re fine.
There is nothing like a cat to make you feel like you have betrayed them forever.
And temptations can cure nearly anything
Glad they’re doing well!
Does your vet not use dissolvable stitches for spays?
Nope, these are not dissolvable.
But I am already forgiven, to my amazement. Mary came up for craft time. Atticus is my official craft cat. He will sit in my lap and watch me play with string each night. Mary has decided that she is craft cat apprentice, and she will get up there with him. That is notably an activity that occupies my hands, so petting cats isn’t the feature presentation, but she seems to like getting close then without being touched too much. I thought she’d boycott it for a bit, but no.
So Mary is learning by osmosis? She’s slowly coming around, isn’t she?
So glad they’re home and healing. Do they have to wear cones or are they free to lick/bite open their stiches?
The issue with cones turned out to be Brio, as feared. Any description of Brio I’ve given is inadequate. As I was telling him the other day, he reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt. I’ve had many kittens; this one is a different level. I thought he was quite capable of destroying through paws if not teeth anybody else’s cone even if not his own, and yep, he is. I’m just going to have to watch them. The girls are sore enough that they object to him pulling their stitches, but they do not object to him unconing them. This just isn’t going to work.
Everybody is doing well this morning, chasing each other, and I’ve even seen them all mutually jumping on each other. Take it easy, kids.
At least nature marked Brio appropriately. Full truth in advertising. Nothing with this face could be considered quiet and sedate. I’ve about decided it’s a volcano with two smaller vents at the bottom.
That face just screams naughtiness.
how are the hooligans doing this morning?
Fine and frisky. The incisions look good, and they are racing around jumping in and out of my COTH Secret Santa box. I got that box this last week, and it’s a perfect size for jumping in and out of, so it’s still in the floor.
who are those two elves?
That’s Mystery and Mary.
Thank you for sharing the pride. They have brought many smiles to me over the years.
Well Golly, Miss Mary sure made friends fast and a grown up one at that. I swear there’s some kind of peaceful aura around your home as I’ve always been amazed that your cats all seems to get along and have such a Happy home.
I only have 2 and granted one came as an adult used to being an only cat, but if one disappeared today, neither would care. They just don’t have any use for each other.
I love seeing all yours so bonded and serene.
Those planet pictures are great! A cat being in them just makes them cooler.
Brio is naughty and adorable!! He has the look of impending trouble coming!!
Hadn’t really intended a cat in them, but I don’t know why that hadn’t occurred to me. If I set foot outside, dark or daylight, here they come. Everybody out there gets regular petting every day, too.
Wish me luck for Monday. That is destitching day for Psalm and Mary. As I live in the country and it’s over an hour round trip with a quickie included at the vet, I’d really rather not take them in. I’m going to try removing the stitches myself, which will require kitten cooperation. I have no one available to help, and in the case of Mary, having somebody help here would be worse than trying it on my own. This is the cat who vanished immediately into cat warp when a friend came by some weeks ago and was introduced to the kittens. Not one whisker visible, and that was when they were still shut in one room, which has a twin bed in it (bed frame not possible to get under) and was lined with bookcases, being the library annex. I have many more books than guests! The sole non-bookcase piece of furniture in that room is the bed, and it is solid to the floor. I still have no idea where that cat went. There is no hiding place in that room, but she found one.
Anyway, the only way to handle Mary for someone other than me is to cage her and take her to the pros, and she isn’t cooperative in the least for them. They have commented on her on previous visits. Having a non-pro cat wrangler come over to help here on home turf would only cause a fight, even if I caged Mary beforehand so she couldn’t run off at the beginning. I have no doubt blood would end up being drawn. This little cat does NOT like people. Except that she’s about decided that she likes me at least 50% of the time. But not even me the other 50%.
Anyway, I will attempt the removal in the morning and then give up if needed and call the clinic. But hopefully they will cooperate. Psalm won’t be easy, either. Her problem is that she will try to play with and chew on fingers and scissors.
I might have said this before, but barn cats = bonus cats (for those of us who board).
I wish we still had cats at most places of business, offices, etc. It makes me nervous that they may get out into the city or whatnot, but they kind of belong to the place, rather than a person. Eg: Chief mouser to the Cabinet Office