Cats of the Farm: The Pride Goes On

Just walked through the house back toward the office after lunch. I passed Brio and reached out to scratch his ears on the way by, and he purred. Passed Mystery and reached out to scratch his ears on the way by, and he purred.

Passed Mary and reached out to scratch her ears on the way by. Mary crabstepped out of the way before I ever touched her and meowed in protest. Ah, Mary. Not feeling it at the moment, obviously. Her personality amuses me. She is touchable at times, but she wants to pick the times. She has the wildest edge on her of anybody inside. As enforced snuggliness isn’t one of the Feline Household Commandments, I’m fine with that, and we understand each other, but it still amuses me.


Memory picture that popped up today. The double-tailed sugar maple, a rare specimen.


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We adopted such a small and scared kitten and look at her now.


A female ginger!

We have had a wreck with the cats’ fan. Police are en route, and the participants are all blaming each other.


Awwww, a very bright coloured female ginger! Is she a Scottish Fold/Tabby cross?

Some people call the bright red ones marmalades. My Billie Holiday is a girly ginger too.

Rascal in the woods this morning on our walk.

And Sarge a few nights ago. Big grizzled Tim cat (as Mom used to call retired Toms). Age unknown, but I’m sure he’s the oldest on the place, definitely well into teens.


Do they think it’s catmint chocolate chip?

And a memory that popped up today. Pharaoh snuggling with a catnip cat.


I just made the cats’ day. I am hoping to finish my library cat cross stitch in time, but my next scheduled craft is for Christmas, for decor, not for a gift, and I want it done by the beginning of December. No point in finishing it on the 23rd and almost immediately putting it in the closet for a year. So if the library cat I’m currently doing (picture above a few; correction, below) isn’t finished, it will have to go on hold temporarily.

But what date is the deadline? I can only count on 30-45 minutes of craft time a day, and that’s carved out painstakingly in my schedule. I’d love to expand it but at the moment can’t.

The Christmas rug kit has yarn sorted into little packets, and I know from past projects that a packet a day is a good average. So for a short work break, I took this kit out of the closet and counted packets to get my deadline. The cats, of course, thought all this was Highly Interesting.

There are 67 yarn packets. Well, 69, but four of them are smaller, obviously less of that color needed, and I counted those four as a half each. 67 days. Add 5 days for a margin, because while I personally love doing plans like this and hard scheduling everything, life does tend to throw monkey wrenches in along the way. So 72 days. Work backwards from December. I need to start the rug on September 20th.

There. That was a fun break, both for me and the cats. Still, I hope the cross stitch is done by then.


Okay, picture farther above than I thought, so here’s the library cat.


That’s coming along nicely!

The cats are glad you can supply them with entertainment. lol

From this evening. Through my office window, I saw sunset with the storm clouds coming in, and I had to go out and take a picture. Then, I decided that I needed a cat on the porch rail to set the shot. I cued Cotton, who was 20 feet away on the far side of the porch, and bless him, he came obligingly, but Rascal, who was at my feet, jumped up promptly. Nice! She is very far from Cotton, much more temperamental, less amiable, and definitely not a cat with a trick like he is. But this time, she decided to oblige me, and that wasn’t a random jump. She took his cue. Love the second shot, when Cotton arrived, and Rascal is looking at him like we don’t need you here, I already dealt with it.

The storm clouds gave a nice and much needed rain. So they were not just what I call Shakespearean clouds, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”


Great picture I got last night. This is craft corner. I had just finished my evening crafting and stood to put the project back in the craft cabinet, and I realized as I turned around and counted that there were seven cats positioned around who had been supervising my work. I knew there were cats while I was working, of course, but I hadn’t counted the full effect. This is seven out of eight of the indoors; Solo appropriately is off doing something on her own. She’s an independent sort.

Mary is in the floor. Atticus on the bookcase. Psalm and Mystery on the little library table (which I love). Pharaoh on the end table by the chair. Pilgrim on top of the coffee table, Brio on the lower level.


Satin helping me drag windfalls to the bonfire pile.

Psalm with her “how can you scold me when I’m so adorable” look.


Rascal at the spring this morning.


Solo. 100% attitude, temperamental, fickle, and she bites. But every night, when I get in bed, she lands on top of me with a flying jump within five seconds, and then she will lie there on me and purr for about five minutes. Then she will get back off and return to doing her own thing. For those five minutes each night, she tells me what she really thinks of me, in the dark, of course, lest anybody catch her at it.


Good night from me and Solo.

I wasn’t sure if she’d do this with the light on, which it isn’t usually, but she did. The second I lay down in bed, she lands on top of me with a thump and just purrs up a storm - for just a few minutes. Then she leaves.


I really like this recipe. (It’s unplugged; don’t worry.)

Setting my critter trap. Would you all please leave it alone? I’m after a problem raccoon, not cats.

Rascal at Sunset


Checked my trap first thing this morning in hopes that I caught something last night. Oops.