Cats of the Farm: The Pride Goes On

Here’s a very short video clip. Isn’t he just a perfect mini panther? The buff is Cotton, of course.


Enjoyed the video … thanks for sharing ! [HR][/HR][B]Bagheera is SO handsome ~ gorgeous eyes !

Cotton looks ((huggable)) ![/B]

how did I get that line ^ in this post ?! :eek::lol:

Cotton has a wonderful coat. Not long haired like Mystery, but plush like a high-quality, expensive stuffed toy. I often wish Cat Lady could see him now. He was her favorite, and she only knew him as a little yellow kitten. He is a magnificent specimen now.

Bagheera continues to do better.


A few pictures. Here’s Cotton from a day or two ago waiting for spring.


Bagheera tonight on the Bench of Purring hoping spring might finally be here. His leg is all healed up, by the way, though still shaved.


This one amused me yesterday morning. I hadn’t been outside yet, and I looked through the window and saw the waiting pride on the porch.






Atticus on Mom’s cat quilt.




For some reason, it’s not wanting to post multiple pictures today. So we’ll go one at a time. Here’s Satin in the library, one of my favorite rooms (and chairs) in the new house. I’ve always wanted a true, designated library. You can see here the amount of natural light this house gets. No lights are on.




Rascal. :slight_smile:




And for a look back, this turned up on my memories. HRH Rosalind, my blue point. She was a character. Oscar-caliber facial expressions and very impressive sound effects. I think her idea of paradise would have been for all cats besides herself and all people besides me to vanish from the face of the earth.




Love your library! One day I hope to have one too.


Here’s the porch with cats a few weeks ago. We have Cotton on the ground (go just right of him for the rose bush adopted from a friend that I posted about; it’s much more leafed now than in this March picture). Bagheera is on the porch, as is Cory. And in the window are eyes, though I can’t see enough from the glare to identify them. The indoor and outdoors commune through that low window.


Me sitting on the porch this last week, with companion of course. Love my porch. And yes, the wood part is all treated. I had debated painting it at first, but I like the wood look.


Pilgrim with the stuffed fish. They love the stuffed fish and drag it around underneath them like you see leopards and tigers doing with prey on videos.


Home. There are vertical blinds on the windows, but that’s south, and it is so bright in here that it’s hard to see them.


Chesed Porch March 2019.jpg





Bagheera says happy spring.




The t![](me I danced (nearly) naked in my yard. [IMG]

Somebody commented on a Facebook post about my cats finding me interesting, and that reminded me of this infamous occurrence many, many years ago.

I was mowing the grass. I was using a push mower, and as I went into the front ditch and then out of it, I would at times be leaning forward a good bit, pushing on the bar. On this summer day, as I dug in and leaned forward to push the mower out of the ditch, a June bug flew into the slightly open neck of my T-shirt and entrapped itself in my bra.

Ack! I immediately shut off the mower and bolted to the house to deal with this urgent situation. Alas, the old house, which still had an official door at that time, had locked itself on me, which it did on occasion. I had a key hidden back in one of the outbuildings, and I raced around the house into the back yard, heading for that distant location.

At this point, with the June bug still buzzing and probably as agitated as I was, it occurred to me that I live in the middle of Timbuctoo and a half. There was NOBODY around. From the back yard, no neighbors visible at all, and the house shielded me from the little-trafficked road in case anybody happened to drive by. Why go clear out to retrieve the spare key and take more time then getting back to the house when I had a private spot right here?

So I pulled my T-shirt off, then my bra. I was moving as fast as I could, and as the June bug fell out, he managed to fall into the waistline of my sweat pants. As I pulled them out to get him, he fell further in. So then I kicked off my shoes and pulled my pants off. Finally, the June bug arrived on terra firma. He shook himself, no doubt puzzled at the last few minutes, and flew off.

I stood there in my back yard wearing just underwear and socks, catching my breath and being grateful that nobody had seen that frantic impromptu dance. At that point, I noticed the cats. Every barn cat on the place was lined up as if in an amphitheater, and I was most definitely the featured attraction. Their eyes were riveted, ears up, expressions alert. I could almost see the thought bubble. “That was interesting! Do you suppose she’ll do it again?”


What a wonderful way to start the morning! Thanks for the belly laugh!!!

I have a new applicant, by the way. I’ve known for over a month that there was another cat around. Glimpses of bolting fur occasionally out of the corner of my eye. The cat has now been seen and is SLOWLY getting closer. I was within feet this morning. This one is quite spooky, always ready to run. Looks like a dark gray tuxedo instead of a black and white one. We shall see.


This cracked me up on Facebook the other day.



O, now you have done ![](t! I have been on that site for 1/2 hour. FUNNY stuff!
and I have this little nugget.


A spring break on my marvelous porch after a mowing session.

Cotton on my lap, of course. He is the only critter that color on the place. Cory (with amputated ear) on the floor. Bagheera on the mat. Rascal coming up the steps. Satin, out of shot, is sitting on the left arm of my chair.





Gorgeous picture!


Here are some of my housemates showing great ambition Monday on the holiday.
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Cory, Rascal, and Cotton help me inspect plants tonight.
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Solo, who was adopted from the TNR folks doing a feral colony, so she was born and raised for her early kittenhood in a colony, has suddenly started getting more affectionate in the last month. I’ve had Solo about two years. She has always been – individualistic. Distinct personality. She was touchable and pettable quite soon, but only when she was in the mood, and she also bites. Not hard but enough to remind you consistently that she is an Official Former Wild Thing. I admired her independence and spunk and left her alone to be petted when she wished. Lately, she has suddenly started wanting it more, and she is also snuggling at night, which she never used to do. She would sleep on the other end of the bed, technically on it but not close. She is now suddenly snuggling right up against my body at night, though she always creeps up there after I’m settled and when she thinks I’m not looking. I know, of course. I reach down to pet her and say, “Good night, Solo,” and she bites me.
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The new stray is still hanging around but is very shy. We inch closer together, though it’s still defined in feet, not really inches. That’s fine. I have infinite patience with cats. With people, it has limits, and with kids, it’s practically nonexistent, but with cats, no problem. We can take months if needed. :slight_smile: Sarge took a year and a half, and he’s quite pettable now provided that he clearly sees my hand coming. To this day, I wouldn’t make a “sneak petting attack” on that one.

Here’s Sarge. Great big old head; I knew from the beginning that he was a Tom cat. He’s now a Tim cat, of course. He’s called Sarge because he has stripes.







Happy finding day to Pharaoh, Bagheera, Panther, and Satin! Four years ago today, the dumped litter turned up at Cat Lady’s while I was there caring for her. Little bedraggled, thin, hungry mites. It was the same day American Pharoah won the Triple Crown, thus me naming one of them Pharaoh (spelling corrected). I named Bagheera, too. Cat Lady named Panther and Satin. (Satin was to match Cotton and Polyester, the two yellow kittens she already had, and yes, she named them. Cotton first, because he was “always soft, stretchy, and comfortable.” Poly after to match Cotton.) I heard this morning from the woman whose grandson has Panther; he is doing great. Panther loves kids. I have the other three here on the farm with me, of course.


A few pictures from this week on the theme of Cool Cats.

First, Cotton. All he needs is sunglasses to make him a yellow Fonzi.

Next, Pilgrim poses beneath a cross stitch black panther I finished last year. Stereo coolness. I love the panther, the first thing I’d ever done working with black on black. However, there is an unintentional side effect. The thread on the whiskers and in the eyes from this kit is a bit metallic, and it glows faintly in the dark. This is the top of my desk in the office, and I often am sitting here typing in the dark of an evening because I don’t need the lights to work. The first week or so after it was hung, it always gave me a start to look up and see eyes on the wall over my desk.


Finally, we have literal Cool Cats. I fired up the AC this week. My new house is actually the first house I’ve ever lived in in my life with central AC, and I haven’t missed it as I like heat. Summer is my favorite season. However, it’s gotten quite hot the last week here, and while I’m fine, I took pity on my roommates. I have it set over 80, refuse to freeze myself out, but it knocks the edge off some for them. Here are the indoor cats (who, like me, hadn’t lived with central AC or in fact any AC before this house) discovering that COOL air is coming from the HEAT vents. Fascinating.



