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Cervical Issues, Myelograms, & Basket Surgery

I did a myelogram on my neuro mare, though I had not initially planned to do so because I didn’t want to lay her down if I didn’t have to. She had findings at C4, C5, and C6 on X-ray and was a Grade II behind, so I figured she would not likely be a surgical candidate regardless; I wound up doing it anyway because I wanted to know conclusively whether this was the cause. It wasn’t; myelogram was totally normal.

She came through it well and I’m glad I did it even though the outcome was not good. She had a presumptive diagnosis of EDM (later confirmed by necropsy), but without that myelogram, I would not have felt like I did everything I possibly could.


I am awaiting the pathology report on my 18,1 hh boy that we elected to pts - he had neck compressions but my guess is he always had and had shown successfully for 3 yrs, But he became so neurologic all of a sudden that EDM was suspected. I decided to forego the myel. because he was not a good surgical candidate at that point so I did not see the need to put him through that. I was told surgery may make him 1% sounder and he was already pretty far along and very large so I opted not to do it. It is a very personal decision. He would not have been a good pasture pet because I would not have been able to get a vet quickly if he went down.

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I’m so sorry. :hugs: I hope the pathology report comes back and gives you some peace.

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What a loving horse owner you are.

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Thank you, It has been a sad journey but he is at peace now.


I hope you get some closure from the patho report as I did with mine. It doesn’t make the loss any easier…but it does soften having to have made that final decision.

My guy with EDM was also 18 hands and would not have been happy with life as a pasture pet…he was far too social and loved his people time. With his size and how fast his neuro symptoms were progressing, he or someone would have been hurt.

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Can I ask how sudden did his neuro symptoms appear? And what were his neuro symptoms? My OTTB just became very neuro and is about 18 hands. Currently trying to figure out what the cause is. Thanks!

I had posted about my beloved 8yo 18.1 hh gelding, Fhraser, who was pts for neuro issues recently. Today I received the pathology report. I am now “thankful” that I did right by him. For educational purposes I will post the summary from Dr Amy Johnson at New Bolton which stated as follows :
Dear all, I am attaching Fhraser’s final postmortem report. The cause of his ataxia was bilateral brain and spinal cord degeneration, most consistent with a diagnosis of EDM. However, Fhraser also had degenerative changes in his deep cerebellar nuclei, which is not something we commonly see with EDM. The cerebellar degeneration is similar to what has been described in horses with shivers, and the pathologist commented that she was uncertain whether he had the misfortune of 2 neurodegenerative diseases occurring simultaneously, or a more generalized neurodegenerative condition that is less common/does not have a name in the equine species.

As for his neck, the pathologist confirmed that he had disc degeneration and arthritis at C3-C4 and C6-C7, as we suspected based on his imaging. There was a small amount of gliosis (scarring) in the left side of the spinal cord at C3-C4. However, this was clearly not the predominant cause of his ataxia.

Jill, I’m so sorry, again, for your loss of this magnificent horse. Please let me know if you have any questions about this report.

Best regards,



Thank you for sharing. I’m very sorry but grateful your decision was so well supported.

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