I believe this is the third time Assmussen has been sanctioned for FLSA violations. And don’t forget all the others, including Linda Rice.
I did laugh a little here, as you are the person that, now that I am closer to 70 than 60, I promised myself in my 30’s I would “never become”.
All the young people I know are working 2 jobs, in order to pay off school loans. Also apartment rents, utilities, car payments, and phones are not cheap these days. The “kids” I know are all in their early 20s and some have degrees and some do not, but many of them are working and not getting paid enough to have the things I just mentioned w/out working overtime or more than 1 job.
You paint with a very broad brush. If all the kids were living in their parents basements playing video games, the economy I go out into, each and every day, wouldn’t even exist. My entire town would be nothing but vacant businesses.
I just never wanted to become that old person saying “kids today! I walked 5 miles in snow to school!”…and I haven’t.
My generation was “those dirty hippies” … we weren’t supposed to amount to anything.
Ummm…got a problem understanding why Asmussen was recently edited into the title of this thread to join Chad Brown as universally considered a nice guy until this labor investigation.
Don’t you know… good guys are good guys until existing behavior becomes public… their behavior was what it was long before the public ‘reveal’ so it’s just what the public knew that changed… :rolleyes:
I’m more than sure that Chad and Steve aren’t the only ones… they’re just the ones that have currently been publicly outed. Therefore easier to toss them under the bus.
For some people, that’s enough to throw someone under the bus. Not me.
I was referring to Asmussen coming up in past years both on here and with the racing boards as not publicly known as a nice guy hence not shocking. Still like CB as a trainer.
Natalie Voss has a good article on labor and immigration audits. Apparently it’s hard to be fully compliant.
“Unfortunately, there are a lot of detailed requirements about how H-2B workers should be paid, what costs the employer must cover, and what type of records must be kept – it’s easy for a trainer working out of a tack room with no human resources department to fall behind…“It really is impossible to comply with every letter of the law when it comes to labor when it comes to wages and hours,” he said. “There are so many rules when it comes to this that most employers just don’t know what they are.””