Chronic Lyme Disease in Humans

Thought I would do an update (might as well since I don’t have much to do as I pump my IV meds into my chest for the next 30min)

Doing well. Actually can do a lot more then I use to. Actually was getting ready to start riding again, BUT now my doctor has put me back on the Rifampin while I am doing my Rocephin. He warned me that I was going to feel ill, well I feel ill!

It is (and I don’t mean this the wrong way) nice being able to know and read about other horse people dealing with this. Most people don’t understand how hard this is. You go from being active and fit, to not being able to do anything (and in my case gaining 70lbs!) sister has it ,and is on antibiotics ,i think thats right, and also someone i know said he had it, and how he got rid of it ,he was in a car accident ,and had a blood transfusion, and he does not have it now, because of that blood transfusion ,don,t know ,go figure.

I get a particular pain that is very indicitive, to me, that I am having a relapse…it is a sharp sharp deep pain down my thighs that debilitates me and causes me to have to physically pick up my legs one at a time to move them when it is at its height. [/QUOTE]

Claudius - are you able to describe the thigh pain in any more detail? I ask b/c I have a persistant pain that starts high up by the right side of my pelvis in my back (almost “point of buttock” for lack of a better description), then shoots down my leg - down the back and center of my leg. Very hard to describe. Feels like a nerve pain that comes & goes. It started as the right side pelvis pain initially, and a few months after that migrated down the back of my leg.

Also - I’m so sorry about your foal trajedies. I think vultures are amazing (I know, I’m weird, but I love birds so I love vultures). However that is just a horrible incident to have gone through.


Thank you Tazzie, I appreciate your comment about my vulture experience. Never to be repeated I hope!!

My pain is down the front of my thighs…deep and unaffected by hot baths, cold compresses, Advil, Alleve or Aspirin. That is how I am sure it is the Lyme returning. Your symptoms sound like sciatic nerve issues…I seem to have several friends with the same symptoms. Actually, the one who has gone the alternative therapy route has had the best results. Not herbs or lotions, but muscle therapy work…if you want to know the professional name of the method let me know and I will call her. good luck

Claudius - are you able to describe the thigh pain in any more detail? I ask b/c I have a persistant pain that starts high up by the right side of my pelvis in my back (almost “point of buttock” for lack of a better description), then shoots down my leg - down the back and center of my leg. Very hard to describe. Feels like a nerve pain that comes & goes.[/QUOTE]

Tazzie…that sounds like sciatica to me as well. Claudius, I get a similar pain in my right calf. At first I thougt I had a blood clot, the pain was excruciating. I am not able to bear weight on my right leg without causing such pain that I think I could black out (and I am not a wuss). US and MRI revealed nada. Now I have realized that it starts when I am about to have a LD flair up. Nothing relieves it (sometimes a pain med will help diffuse it slightly) and I have to just wait for it to pass.

This disease sucks but I am thankful that I don’t have something worse. Now if I could just stop wishing the pain of LD on the BC/BS beaurocrat that vetoed my IV abx (not even 30 days this battle) maybe I’d sleep better at night. They have been paying out for me with LD and 2 strains of babesiosis for almost ten years. You would think they would want this to be over as much as I do :no:.