Cleaning Cobwebs In The Barn?

Shop vac. Suck them in, then dispose.

I refuese to clean the cob webs at the barn I work at as I am very very allergic to spiders and the one time I tried I bushed away one to find a nest of the biggest spiders ever. Upon the tail of this story the barn was stripped and pressure washed.

Old broom. If they really are spider webs, spray the tip of the broom with an appropriate insecticide. If they are just normal cobwebs - which are simply dust bunnies gone wild - spray the tip of the broom frequently with Endust as you go along.

I use to use the shop vac but it’s too heavy to lug around the barn. I found a nice alternative online however and it’s super lazy to use. It’s called the Cobweb Winder and it seems to do the trick. If you are interested this is where I found it: