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Cleaning Frozen (Or Unfrozen) Paddocks

I would totally get this!

(Says someone who just bought the Shake-N-Fork and is loving it! Fuels my obsessive stall cleaning habits even more. :slight_smile: )

Was just out grooming my surface with big plastic rake. Picking up the wee little debris of poo and hay strands. The idea of not having MUD is a celebration in my life!!!

Gonna take care of that dry lot like it’s a gemstone ring.

This is what I do too. My BFF rehomed her horse and took the hoe (hers) with her. I went out and picked up one of these beauties for $8.50 on close out : https://www.lowes.com/pd/CRAFTSMAN-54-in-Wood-handle-2-prong-Hoe/1000750590

Thankfully, I think I have only had to use it twice so far but it works well.
