Colicy Gelding. What could this be?

I wish I could quote, but none of the buttons are working for me otherwise I’d quote Simkie again and again!

Simkie’s post can’t be repeated too often! If there’s still a bit of impaction, it will become decayed and then it will a very bad situation for your horse.

Me two for Simkie. Friend’s horse many years ago. Mild colic and called vet. Resolved with drugs. Horse NQR all week with vet out a few more times. Major colic again. Not thrashing around but vital signs not good. The only clinic to haul to was Auburn and owner did not have a trailer. Vet did everything he could and stayed with horse for 5 hours. But the horse’s cecum had burst at this point and horse was put down.

Could be a slightly displaced colon and still be passing manure. i had one like that who needed surgery. Similar symptoms. But we sent to clinic within half a day despite still passing manure.

If it’s a week long with colic symptoms, I’d go to the clinic.

Whiskey, any improvement?

Whiskey, any improvement?[/QUOTE]

Vet was out for rectal and nose tube again, no signs of impaction. Pawing, laying down and signs of discomfort has subsided and vitals have stayed normal since the beginning. We are keeping a close eye on him, blood work comes back next week. He is still not back to his complete self, but is now being turned out without lying down and he is now lightly playing with his pasture buddy. I have a suspicion of ulcers since the bale he was on was fairly high in T2 and his symptoms got worse when he was taken off feed. We will be doing some further investigation to see if we can find the cause if blood work shows nothing.