Completely Exhausted - Again! What is THIS?***Update post 89***

Thank you all. I want to take what meds are necessary (though personally I want no meds & feel like I have turned into one of those old people with a giant bag o’ meds they are hauling around with them). @Where’sMyWhite I would love to see a DO - I think you have a valid point there about treating the whole body not just bits of it - but my medi-caid limits me to this county where we have next to nothing. (argh) @LuvRedHeads - the article I read about the CFS recommended a diet change and I think that I am going to have to seriously consider that, it was something that appeared to be similar to the Keto diet. I have to laugh here: after all these years I still can’t get it thru my pointy little head that I don’t have the metabolism I had in my 20s and can’t keep eating like I do - ninny smh. I am glad you are feeling better!


No DOs in central CA? I’d have thought for sure you’d have a few… :frowning:

I get the insurance part. :frowning: :frowning: I know when I was looking, the insurance website PCP lookup sure didn’t have many DOs (I think many people maybe don’t think they are as “good” as an MD, I dunno).

I see a total of 4 “doctors”, 2 are MDs (specialists) and 2 DOs of which one is a specialist. Just not common. IIRC, one of my recent radiology studies was read by a DO.

So… just guessing but wanted to see what I came up with.

Went to

Find a doctor
Looked for ‘Family Medicine’ in ‘Salinas CA’

You can limit by type of insurance to help narrow the field also. (Didn’t know where in central CA you were :slight_smile: )

got 309 results (yeah, you’d have to wade through them) and even in the first few were DOs. You’d have to decide which type of practice works for you but maybe a place to start?

I saw a DO in Colorado for the past 25 years, and was very happy. Now there isn’t a single one that takes my insurance (an ACA plan) that is anywhere near where I live in South Carolina. I found a family practice doctor here who is an MD and who seems OK so far, but I really would have preferred an osteopath.


Good luck, Shiloh. It’s such an awful feeling to be continually exhausted. I hope you find a resolution to yours, whatever form it may take.

This is something I do not have personal experience with yet.

My son, in the long, long recovery from Lyme disease, ran into this nutrient and started taking it (this son has a BS in biochemistry.)

The supplement is Nicotinamide Riboside. He started taking it recently and says his energy levels seem to be higher (and he has an infant, works full time, and does not get much sleep.)

It is a nutrient that the mitochondria (our “power plants”) use.

Google it. Tru Niagen sells it on line and my son said that this was the cheapest one he found. It is not cheap ($39.95 for a months supply.)

After Christmas and property tax season I will probably try it myself for my worsening fatigue from MS. When I try it I will try to remember to report on it here.

I am so sick and tired of feeling tireder every month!.

Jingles & AO continue for you !

My neighbor has MS and she says it best: She is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I get it - I hope you can get some relief from what you are going thru.

@Where’sMyWhite - I Used your link and actually found a DO in the town I used to work in and it was someone I was aware of and has a good rep. I felt very positive and then I saw she does not take my insurance. crap. And I am limited to this county only. Now I feel grumpy…

shiloh :frowning:

Dr shopping limited by insurance can be very frustrating. Maybe give her a call and see if she knows of a DO she could recommend in your county?

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So finally got my whiny chicken butt to the hospital and got my ultrasound and labs done. Ultrasound shows no change in size of cysts on thyroid lymph glands so that’s good. Have dr appt to get results of thyroid labs. But the rest of the labs showed I’m pre-diabetic so I guess I will have to change some diet items. And it’s funny because I cut out sodas except for once a week just one and have really cut back on sugar, so color my eyes rolling and rolling. Also found a NP I like so I may change to her. Since original doc blew me off and her PA would pussyfoot around problem.

Glad there’s no change in the cysts!

On the pre-diabetic front please do your best to keep it under control or even reverse it. I went undiagnosed for almost 13 years because my A1C’s were always normal but daily random sugars were unknowingly off the chart. I have been very actively trying to get my sugars under control with the right combination and doses of medications and insulin for 5 years now, most of them are in a good range now but fasting is still high every day. It’s finally been discovered that my Diabetes is not diet related but diet will aggravate it if I’m not careful. Diabetes is one of the most difficult and frustrating things to get under control and keep under control and the amount of damage it can do to your body is scary.

Let us know how your thyroid lab results come back!