Complicated Horse/Kissing Spine

Hey all. The horse died unexpectedly from a twisted colon a few days ago. The vet and my trainer were with him all night, and in the morning we rushed him to get emergency surgery from the best veterinarian we knew. The surgery was successful until the very end he bled out. The surgeon has done many colic surgeries around the country, even in two different countries, and he said, the way this horse died, he had never seen before. I was watching the surgery, so I saw everything. I’m devastated. He was the best boy. He was so misunderstood. I feel so guilty for having doubt in him. Everyone that had reached out to me said that he had been so much happier with me since I started leasing him, so that’s comforting that I gave him a good life in the short time I had him.

He went downhill very fast after the PPE. He was sore for days from them pulling his shoes, this horse had never been barefoot in his life, and then he went lame the day before the farrier was able to come to put this shoes back on. So, initially, we all thought he was laying down to rest his sore feet. But then he stopped eating.

Thank you all for your advice, I almost wish I could just delete this thread, but I’m sure someone will read this thread and atleast get good info from it.


My heart goes out to you @carrotgirl . And to this wonderful horse, who gave his best while he could.

Yes, this thread will be very helpful to many people. Thank you for bearing with it.

As you heal from this loss, all the best going forward in your journey with horses. :heartpulse:


Oh I am so sorry to hear this. They are so complicated, so fragile, and they can break your heart.


@carrotgirl How sad! I’m glad you were able to be with him until the end. Poor dude, he finally caught a break with a lovely person like you to care for him, and then this happens. I’m so sorry :broken_heart: Hugs to you


@carrotgirl :broken_heart: :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


Please, please don’t feel guilty. This horse had navicular, kissing spine, colicked from a twisted colon, and likely something going on internally that caused him to bleed out.

I’m so sorry he had to go through so much pain and suffering in his relatively short life, but everything I (and everyone else) said about your trainer I still stand by (and your decision not to buy him for 50K).

Even by the standards of the horse world (and this board) it sounds like this poor horse had a lot going on.


@carrotgirl, I’m so sorry💔.


Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. That is so sad. Like others have said, I am happy he had someone who loved him so completely.


I’m so sorry. That horse was lucky to have you as it is obvious from your posts how much you cared for him. There’s nothing in this that’s your fault, so please don’t blame yourself.


My sympathy @carrotgirl. :frowning_face: Even though he wasn’t yours, you did care deeply for him. We can all see that in this thread. Allow yourself to grieve his loss. It is real.


Please find some solace in knowing this. You showed him kindness and compassion and accepted him for the horse he was. So the final chapter of his life was filled with love, thanks to you.

You will be a wonderful Horse Mom to some lucky equine. :heart:


Oh damn. I’m so sorry, not at all the end to this story I was hoping for.

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It is very likely that you gave him the best part of his life. He was happy with you.

Nothing you did, or did not do, no decision that you made, or did not make, caused his life trajectory, or his life’s end.

You did believe in him. He knew it. Please don’t be hard on yourself. Instead I hope you’ll chase away the guilt and negative thoughts by focusing on the good times with him. If a horse could choose, I’m sure that would be their preference. He deserves the good thoughts about your time together.

And what you learned from him, and because of him, to make an even better journey for yourself going forward. Good luck! Hope you check in again in a year or two and let us know how things are going for you!


All the domesticated creatures that we love are also dependent on us—they exchange their freedom for the hope that they can please us enough to be well cared for.

Horses can only live their best life if some human understands them.

You were that person for this horse. He disappointed everyone until he met you. You can feel really good about that. This was his gift to you.


Just for what it’s worth. Post #1 has been edited 6 times so far, going by the indicator. Without this info the thread doesn’t track as easily. So just in case, here is the current version. Nicely done, actually. :wink:

Hi, I edited the title a few times so if someone is looking for specific advice they can find it in this thread.

Title progression (from my memory):
-Complicated Horse Pricing
-Complicated Horse Pricing and Kissing Spine Horses
It seemed too long, so I shortened it to:
-Complicated Horse/Kissing Spine

Edited the tags,

And I edited the wording a few times because I obsess over small details I guess. I don’t believe any of it changed the way my original question was set up


Agreed. It reads better in the current version. :+1: :slight_smile:

Some of us long-time COTHers have seen first posts vanish from what I would consider to be ‘important’ threads, that have a lot of insight and information. Suddenly the first length of discussion is a puzzle rather than a continuity. So, it’s not unusual to quote it at some point, if that wasn’t done early on as part of a reply. Doesn’t mean anything bad about the OP. :slight_smile:

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Thank you all so much for your deeply thoughtful and kind words :gift_heart: I really appreciate it during this hard time


Hugs. :disappointed_relieved:

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BIG hugs to you @carrotgirl