Hey all. The horse died unexpectedly from a twisted colon a few days ago. The vet and my trainer were with him all night, and in the morning we rushed him to get emergency surgery from the best veterinarian we knew. The surgery was successful until the very end he bled out. The surgeon has done many colic surgeries around the country, even in two different countries, and he said, the way this horse died, he had never seen before. I was watching the surgery, so I saw everything. I’m devastated. He was the best boy. He was so misunderstood. I feel so guilty for having doubt in him. Everyone that had reached out to me said that he had been so much happier with me since I started leasing him, so that’s comforting that I gave him a good life in the short time I had him.
He went downhill very fast after the PPE. He was sore for days from them pulling his shoes, this horse had never been barefoot in his life, and then he went lame the day before the farrier was able to come to put this shoes back on. So, initially, we all thought he was laying down to rest his sore feet. But then he stopped eating.
Thank you all for your advice, I almost wish I could just delete this thread, but I’m sure someone will read this thread and atleast get good info from it.