Compressed Hay Economics

Find three possible places for the old horse. Then the next time she complains say: since you are not happy here it’s probably best you move on, and hand her the list.

Of course it’s hard to relocate a blind horse. It takes more commitment from the owner than is shown here.


Wow, just wow.

I became a lot better boarder when I realized I was not a customer at Nordstroms and rather a paying guest in someone’s home who could be asked to leave.


Yes, the basic rule is “if you wouldn’t do it to a friend at their house, don’t do it to your barn owner”. And then doubly-so for rules and boundaries.

I think I need a “My barn, my rules” sign. I haven’t put one up, but it’s time.

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I…can’t even.

I have no more words…that’s it…that’s all I’ve got.

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