Conformation Critique Help ** one more UPDATE - RRP

Please let us know how things turn out!

Okay, will do!!

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Just wanted to add that my TB has that back too. While he’ll jump ditches and banks all day out in the field, he isn’t relly a fan of jumping and is instead a very nice little dressage horse. He has NEVER taken a lame step but saddle fit was a bit of a nightmare. I never did find a jumping saddle that I and the horse liked, but I have another horse to play over fences with anyway. I also owned a son of Seattle Slew for some 20 years–gotta say he woulda done anything for me, had beautiful form over fences and was the sweetest thing ever. So enjoy your visit with your new horse. :smiley:

Well, it’s almost a done deal. On way home from KY. Will post more later!


Tease. :lol:



Ha…Okay. I will post a crappy picture to tide you over! :D[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:";base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==)”‹

Your picture doesn’t work for me (not sure if I’m the only one?)

Definitely need more! :smiley:


I didn’t work for me either.

Me three! Help!

Strange. I will try again. I see it. :smiley:


I will post a better picture once the deal is set in stone so to speak. My goal is to compete in the RRP TB Makeover if approved.



There he is. Cute face! Looking forward to seeing more. :slight_smile:

Do you get the cute cat too? :smiley:


Thanks! Definitely more to come this week. And I wish I got the cat! (I lost both of mine last year. :frowning: )

I actually like him. He is high in the withers which makes him look dippy in his spine but he has a beautiful neck set and a strong front end; which may make him look worse off than he is

please keep us posted. He looks athletic.

Thanks, snaffle1987. I will. I hope to hear a definitive decision by tomorrow. Fingers crossed. (The reason is complicated, but it’s all good.)


:slight_smile: Trying to find a definitive answer now. Will report back soon!

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Okay, I’m ready to post more. :slight_smile: Here is my new boy.


Our only little hiccup right now is that he’s a ridgeling. He was not naughty when we visited, and I’m not overly worried about it, but for health reasons, I’m getting that “fixed” at Hagyard’s tomorrow. So he’ll be in KY for a little bit still. I’m excited to get him, and I’m really hoping I am approved as a trainer for the 2020 RRP TB Makeover. It’s a bucket list thing for me. This boy raced on December 6th, and he only has had one off-track ride, and he was awesome considering. I’ll post a few links of that one ride. (They are from the adoption facility). So I’m really looking forward to this addition to our little farm. I have two other TBs (and one beloved Ap/Trak X).

First Ride Flat -

First Jumps -

Thanks, all, for following this mini-saga!




hard to believe that’s his first flat work off the track, he moves surprisingly balanced, especially at the canter. good luck with him. He may build topline with the proper work. good luck with him

Thank you so much, snaffle 1987. Looking forward to it. This video was on December 12th, so six days after his last race. I was impressed.