Conformation Critique Help ** one more UPDATE - RRP

Pic from today.

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I can’t see your photo because I’m not a member of “Instagram”. :frowning:

Was the testicle or remnant located? They can be very difficult to find.

I agree that ethical Veterinarians will not geld a cryptorchid colt without removing the retained testicle.

Your account is “private” so unless one is already a follower, we can’t see anything.
I did request to follow :slight_smile: t_j_wick

I requested to follow as well.

Oops. Okay I will see my requests and accept today’s … sorry!!

Here is the pic. Sorry about that.




He is definitely a handsome boy.

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Thanks. Now I just have to wait till around Feb 4 to bring him home. And crossing my fingers I get accepted as a trainer at RRP Makeover. If not, we will train as if we are anyway. :). I am already planning to attend the TIP year end show in September with my other boy, so that will be our first goal.


Love his expression!

He is pretty cute. Let’s hope he stays that way! :slight_smile:

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Today’s pic. I think he is starting to feel his stall rest. :D. Looks like he is ready to be mischievous. He has been hand-walking, though. I am thankful the center is taking good care of him.




I have a horse crush on Saketini. :lol:

OP, congratulations on your new guy!


C U T E!!

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He is coming home on Saturday. I am SO stinkin’ excited! Oh, and he threw a shoe last night. At least he will have his feet done right before he gets here!

(Working on setting up my blog. Having a few issues learning Word Press. :(.)


love him. Congrats. He is a really nice type!

I love his face! I remember him from when Amy Lynn Paulus had him posted. So glad he got a good home!!

Thanks, all!!

Just a quick note to say he’s home! He traveled well and walked off the trailer very calmly and turned out like a pro. I have a good feeling about this boy!







He looks lovely! Such a kind expression in his face. Looking forward to reading of your journey!!