Core Lesion on DDFT - are standing wraps 24/7 standard?

Wow, so much helpful info - thank you all very much for sharing. Have been involved in family stuff and so have only been able to skim, but am so looking forward to delving into this later this evening. Thank you, thank you!

I have this and it lives on my coffee table :smile:


The last time I rehabbed a soft tissue injury in a leg (check ligament in a front limb) the vet told me to stop wrapping it bc it was relatively mild. He may have had me wean him off the wraps by doing a week of wrapping just overnight. We did ice. And he had me tack walk in addition to the hand walking the barn was doing, and said I could tack walk for up to 40 minutes a day, preferably on hard ground. But this was maybe a milder injury than what the OP was doing. This was in 2017.

In 2008 for a high suspensory in front the vet had me wrap for a time and then wean the horse off the wraps. We started out cold hosing but switched to ice bc he got an abscess and she thought softened feet were a contributing factor. That vet had me hand walk until we started the formal under saddle portion of the rehab with a month of walking. I think it was similar with another horse in 2013 but there was so much wrong there I donā€™t remember.

IMHO you need to be consistent in how much you ask of the horse mentally and that may be as important as what you actually do. If you take the total bubble wrap approach then you donā€™t let them off the drugs or decide to randomly hand walk one afternoon when the horse always goes out in the morning when itā€™s quieter. If you want to expose them to a bit more interesting stuff, fine, but do it regularly. I was able to tack walk my horse bc heā€™s good and I was consistent in my approach. The trainer was a bit horrified that I didnā€™t drug him for that, but I did promise to use earplugs. I was also fussy about what other horses and people Iā€™d walk with. I probably offended more than one person by declining to walk with them. We did a lot of solo walking. Again, IMHO, there are times when itā€™s appropriate to let them be in a bit of space. YMMV.