So the doc said I can finally start thinking about riding again next month, and suddenly I find myself terrified of hurting that shoulder if I fall off. Has anyone ever used a body protector with shoulder pads? I know it won’t protect against everything but I’m debating if it would be helpful even from a mental stand point. My physiotherapist said it takes 1 year to recover physically and 2 years to recover mentally and there is no way I’m staying out of the saddle another 18 months until I get over this fear… :no:[/QUOTE]
Don’t worry about it too much. The more time passes, the stronger and more normal your shoulder feels, the less you will fear re-injury. Riding is so second nature, you will soon forget while in the saddle that you ever had an issue. You will feel it later and want to ice it, but it isn’t hard to stay in the moment while riding. You’ll be thrilled to be back on a horse. I’m so happy for you!