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Could a dressage saddle make you faint?

You may want to also check out Lilias’ Yoga for Seniors, on YouTube.


Thank you!

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Haven’t read whole thread yet, but is it possible you were breathing too shallowly? You hadn’t ridden for a while so maybe there was some low-key excitement/trepidation that you weren’t aware of that caused a small anxiety attack?

My anxiety attacks sound a lot like what you described. I can get them totally out of the blue with no identifiable cause to explain what triggers them. (I can also get them when there is an identifiable cause, but at least I can see those coming). :roll_eyes:

ETA: I’d try again with a different saddle.
Edited again: Just saw you’ve tried again. So glad your second ride went better!


it is entirely possible if pressure is put on larger nerves to suffer the symptoms you had. I had a co-worker who hit her funnybone ( like we all have) and had a seizure.

clearly this saddle forced you into a position your body was not prepared for and you suffered the consequence. I would not dismiss the position the saddle put you into as a contributing factor


Thank you for this.