Court date for Michael Barisone?

my thoughts exactly…


Of course, I looked. I mean, why miss a perfectly good train wreck? She needs to seek help. Asking the mods to better explain her transgressions and sentence? How can she not see that what she’s doing right now got her where she is? And no, you do not get a do over. Everyone knows….


To be bluntly honest, when that poster first joined the board, I seriously believed them to be a bot by their posting behavior. It seemed that every post was some kind of learning experience. In fact, in one a thread related to Thanksgiving, I asked about a potatoes Anna recipe they had referenced. The response was that no recipe existed and that it was only mentioned to “appear more human.” Struck me as very odd.

At some point it was confirmed by a mod that there was a real person behind the user id.


That is the weirdest thread ever! Poster outing her own bizarre PM behavior, demanding the mods explain themselves and the rules of the board over and over, putting them on a reply schedule, threatening to leave, begging to have her account deleted. When advised that it is the easiest thing in the world to walk away from an internet discussion board, replying that she has to respond to posts directed at her and it’s everyone’s fault she’s still here, etc. Some very strange psychological dynamics behind all that.


Sounds like someone whose maladaptive behavior could be put to use by an individual with different characteristics.

Anyone remember the book or movie “Girl, Interrupted”?

Edited to correct misspelled word.


Anyone else have to refresh on the definition of maladaptive? :slight_smile:


::raises hand::

Google is my friend.


She is very reminiscent of a particular obnoxious person from the old days of rec.equestrian who did post here for a time.


of the reptilian variety?

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Please refocus the discussion on the main topic of court case developments vs. an individual’s posting habits. We also removed an inappropriate comment and responses to it.


The point of a county jail is to hold someone until trial or a plea is agreed upon. If the conditions are bordering on inhumane, it may make an inmate that much more willing to accept a plead deal. The prosecutor then has a “win” on his side which of course looks good for the DA’s office.
MB has had visitors and now that the jail has opened for visits again after almost 16 months, he has visits again.


Did the inmates at that facility ever get the option to be vaccinated?




I will be interested to see if a plea deal is offered or not and if it is, I hope it still includes a lengthy sentence.

I don’t know how NJ does things. I imagine it might be hard to prove attempted murder given it must be proven he went there with the intention of murdering people beyond a reasonable doubt.

If I had to bet I’d guess (and it’s just a guess) he may plea to Assault with a deadly weapon. Which degree I don’t know. Is it considered a protracted injury? Don’t know. Will there be a plea to a gun charge? Don’t know the providence of the gun being there.

Odds are it will settle in a manner each party will not like but have chosen to live with. But then again, I don’t know.


And it won’t help that it is he said/she said. Her statements here won’t help the situation either.

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If they want to substantiate that she’s a loose canon, and perfectly willing to provoke and instigate, they just need to do a COTH drive by.


The bigger problem is the direct lies she made here and everywhere. She made direct criminal allegations against 4 people for conspiracy. She made direct criminal claims of insurance fraud. These aren’t just her ranting….these are her basis for motive. If she can’t prove them then how can her testimony of what happened be believed? A death nail in a he said/she said case.


Interesting. I hadn’t thought of it as part of strategy. Thanks for sharing your info and understanding.


At the end of the day though, how much does any of this matter? LK doesn’t have to prove anything. Her claims of insurance fraud, etc. don’t have much bearing on the criminal case. The case is between the state and Barisone. And it wasn’t a self-defence or heat if the moment incident. Barisone armed himself, got in his truck, drove to her location, got out of his truck, and fired shots at unarmed people.

While his defence might try and use her alleged harassment and crazy behaviour as mitigating factors towards a lesser charge than attempted murder, there’s little doubt that he had many other options available to him that did not involve a seemingly premeditated attempt to threaten / kill two people.