Crap, the paxil isnt working anymore

The nonsense that family practitioners shouldn’t be allowed to prescribe anti-depressants and other mood-altering drugs. …Some pyschiatrists will prescribe benzos, btw. Freely. In fact since all they do is prescribe meds they love to prescribe meds to counteract the effects of other meds. There are good psychiatrists but imo overall there are many patients who are no better off from having seen one.[/QUOTE]

totally agree with this. I am a psychologist. I work with FPs all the time and most are excellent in the arena of psychotropics. I also work with psychiatrists, some are outstanding and a few are not. The important thing is to feel like you have ally with whom you feel you can discuss your situation freely and comfortably, and who works WITH you to address your concerns. Some side effects are tolerable to some and totally unacceptable to others.

Depression, however, certainly does NOT have to be a lifelong condition. For some, it is. For others, it is not. Some find antidepressants extremely helpful, others do not. It depends on a number of variables but one just can’t generalize.

And as for benzos, like anything else, they are great tools when used appropriately. So are methadone and morphine. When NOT used appropriately, they are not so helpful, but they certainly work for many and that (that they work) is the important thing.

Don’t be afraid of higher dosages. It’s very hard to find the right cocktail. I’m on 200 Zoloft, 300 Welbutrin, and Xanax as needed. This would be too much for some but works for me. Don’t get discouraged trying to find the right mix. It takes time. Good luck to you. If you ever want to chat pm me.

Tyanks everyone

Are You Sure It’s “Just” Anxiety?

I just checked in to this thread so haven’t read all the posts …

Teddy, have you ever been tested for Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and Dysautonomia (a central nervous system disorder)? They sometimes go together, and both can cause anxiety and panic attacks.
Just a thought …

wellspotted mitral valve prolape i have been tested for, i will look into the other!

hope all is well

Often these meds will lose effectiveness. Check with your Dr. for either a different one or a higher dose of this one. But do not do your own doctoring. See you Dr. who prescribed this medication and have him make the decision of what to do. That is his job. Often these meds need adjusting. Wish you the best.