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Creative fetlock sore solutions?

That’s looking better!

Does that wound bed extend up past the skin margins, though? It looks like it does in this pic.

If it does, I’d be awfully tempted to debride with Adolf’s meat tenderizer for ONE night, and see how that looks. Based on this pic, there’s not much to remove, but taking it down juuuuust a little could make a big difference in healing. (Or talk to the vet about cutting it down?) Slap a hydrocolloid dressing on top, wrap, and leave the dressing until it’s coming off on it’s own. It should last a few days if you’re wrapping over it. I bet it will be SO much better!

Here are the hydrocolloids I buy: https://www.amazon.com/Dynarex-Dynaderm-Hydrocolloid-Dressing-Count/dp/B00U1H9H60 They come in all different sizes, but 2x2 would work fine here! SO handy, I love them.

I didn’t even know fetlock sores were a thing, but I found one on my mare last night! I had no idea how she got a sore on the front of her fetlock, so I assumed she rubbed it on something or caught it on a stick, etc. She had hock sores in the past while stalled at night, but they are healed since she stays turned out. So I’m not sure how she would have gotten this, unless the area she’s choosing to sleep in at night has something that irritates. I swear, if it exists as a thing, this mare either has it or is going to get it. She is the most high maintenance horse I’ve ever owned. Right now I’m also dealing with huge scabby sores on her mane and tail head, plus huge itchy bumps (I assume bad reaction to some kind of bug bite), all over the rest of her body. One day she was fine, the next all this. And now, yet another wound to manage.

It’s a good thing she’s gorgeous, since she has some neuro issues that make her unrideable as well. She’s just a walking vet bill.

If your horse has neuro issues this is possibly a symptom. Usually they do it while laying down on a harder surface. Or not laying down to sleep enough and crashing down in front when the body tries to go into deeper sleep while standing / failure of the stay apparatus.