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This could be the most epic flounce I’ve ever seen… and my online forum participation started around 1985 (except we called them newsgroups back then).



It is a clown car of trifling nonsense, for sure. It just keeps coming!


Thanks for clearing that up, FitzE.

I don’t feel bad for them at all. No other BB would tolerate this stuff but they do and the toxic behavior just keeps happening again and again… even in the technical help forum. Idk what anyone else expects.


She’s not “blathering about the Barisone case”. You claim to have me on “ignore”, but insist on commenting, negatively, of course, on what you assume I’m posting.

Ah so that’s why I was tagged to come here? Because YD can’t post this topic in the CE or Dressage parts?


If they never leave, is it a flounce, though?
Asking for a friend.


Only if it’s an “announced flounce”. Unannounced flouncers can still flounce in and out at will.

How does one delete a flounce?


Denounce, Pounce, Unflounce


What about messages that lecture you how you should be posting in a specific thread - or tell you that you should not post at all? Asking for a friend…

Well, to be fair, when one does a DQE or a flounce - and then does not actually exit or flounce but continues to post… one could ask who is continuing to “engage”… and there are bound to be questions.

Just quoting this in reference to the… friend… I mentioned above…



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@Knights_Mom Do you think people/a person are banned from just the dressage forum too? Now that would be interesting. I did not know that was technically possible.


I know. They could just put this poster out of her misery and ban her completely or delete her account. Apparently there is an irresistible force field that keeps pulling her back in and for some reason she’s not capable of simply not visiting the page any longer.


I believe ignoring her behavior is the best course for everyone. Something seems amiss for this person.


I do not know.

What I DO know is that it’s all too much. When something is no longer a good fit, change it whether it be friends, barns, forums, lovers, etc.

Life is too short.


Did you read the topic of the thread? Apparently it is not possible to delete an account, all one can do is let the account go dormant. Others before me have asked whether it is possible to delete an account, hence the existence of the thread. You’re right that mechanically, the mods could block me, but I have expressly stated that I wish to retain my ability to log on and just let the account go dormant.

I do wish to leave voluntarily, and would do so if you (g) stopped the gossip and the jabs.

If you (g) want me gone from the forum, why follow me onto a boring, technical thread to continue the pile on?

@trubandloki I have ceased posting on the forum, including, but not limited to, the dressage Barisone thread. I posted here on the Technical Forum to ask about deleting my account, and have have posted in the last day only because the thread was bumped by Ambitious Kate.

I think this needs repeating. I have made it bold now too.


Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.


I believe if someone tells you that you should not post at all, the reasonable response is to track them down IRL, look at their public profiles to confirm their various details and credentials, and disseminate that information to at least one other user. Oh, and there should be no consequences for those actions. At least that is what is being proposed here.

I believe multiple messages with actual first and last name guesses of IRL identities of various users is also meant to be reasonable/acceptable. Oh, and those messages, however inappropriate and unwanted, must be protected by an iron-clad observation of privacy so that the person telling your friend when, where, and how/how not to post, or even threatening, providing unwanted interpretations of other threats, or generally harassing them, is not made publicly uncomfortable or accountable in any way.

I think that’s the summary.


similar to a sex addiction, some have a forum addiction… or

instead of affluenza we have forumazenza.

sorry, it tweren’t my fault.