I think a big problem is that abuse is not defined or standardized- one persons abuse is another person’s normal method. Across the disciplines
Charlotte video- I was not too bothered by that except for the kid on the horse that had such a death grip on the reins that the horse would have been well within its rights to stand up when encouraged (perhaps aggressively YMMV) to go forward. The punishment for that one far did not fit the crime especially as NO other video came out of the woodwork and video owner was shown to have their own egregious stuff. FEI really came out badly in that one, IMO.
Andrew McConnen- battering the horse over the head, multiple videos by multiple parties, for exactly what outcome? Still radio silence on that one. Again FEI came out looking badly and on quite the opposite side of the coin from Charlotte, again IMO.
On the Yellowstone thread in Off topic, a sidebar on how reining trainers have a rider “school” a horse for an hour or two at the lope and then hand it over for the “trainer” , not a word of protest and to me it seemed like the hunter equivalent of LTD. No real outcry.
I myself have my own clear parameters of handling a horse, not even talking about under saddle, but we get a lot of horses into our place that come in with NO manners. It walks over me exactly once and then I will go boss mare for about 30-60 seconds and that might involve shanking, backing, etc. 95% of the time that horse realizes who is alpha and the problem is solved, with some very minor tune up/ reinforcement. Was I abusing the horse for that 60 seconds? Not by my safety standards. I was clearly delineating boundaries to an animal that understands lead or be led and it understood who was in charge. And for ever after the horse and I get along just fine and owner is happy (omg he is sooo happy here!) and so is horse.
It’s a tangled problem in the horse world butting up against the “general ignorant” population with all this social license to operate stuff- heck go read the Foxhunting thread in this forum in someone who posted who clearly had no idea on what foxhunting actually is and so many people posted very thoughtful replies.
Honestly I fear we are doomed in the horse world. In the long term